Friday, March 8, 2013

Seriously? Crazy stuff always happen to me, but this? This was the most surreal thing I think I've ever been through.

For the love of Pete, y’all.  (I’ve always wondered who that poor Pete is that has his name used in that way.)  This past two weeks have been insanely crazy.  And I am only going to write for a certain length of time because I’m sneaking this post in from work while my boss is out for the afternoon, but two of the partners on my team have challenged each other to a rap battle at 5:00 and if you think I am missing that because of writing on my blog, you are crazier than I am.  And then I have to leave immediately after that because I’ll be getting into overtime which is frowned upon.  So if this post ends quite abruptly, you now know why. 

Something happened last week that I never dreamed in a bazillion years I would be involved in.  Some of you are already aware if you’re friends with me on Facebook or saw my comment on BBP. 

But before I get to that, I will update you on things from my last post.  First of all, I am still flipping sick.  I cannot kick this cold or whatever the crap it is.  This Sunday will be 3 weeks I have been hacking and wheezing.  Everyone else who has had it says it lasts about a month.  So hopefully I only have a week or so of it left. 

And something else broke in my house, y'all.  I fixed a broken toilet one Saturday afternoon.  (The bowl would not fill with water so I jammed the hose down a tube thingie that it was supposed to be in and held it in place with some cardboard torn from a hair color box.  Because I'm a girl plumber.)  That Saturday night?  My ice maker totally stopped making ice.  I jiggled stuff.  I banged on stuff.  And I cursed at it.  I read the manual.  No help.  I went online for advice.  No help.  My refrigerator is almost brand new.  I bought it when I moved in my house 15 months ago.  And suddenly 4 days later it started making ice again just as quickly as it had stopped. 

My car is still not fixed because my mechanic cannot get the manufacturer to agree what part I exactly need and he said they have sent cartoon drawings back and forth, photos back and forth, and had about 3904789435034 phone calls about it.  Therefore, I am driving only back and forth to work and I have not driven my car at all for the past 3 weekends so that I don’t make it any worse.  Fun is what that is.  And last week when I had my exciting and completely unexpected adventure of a lifetime, I took the train each day so I only put about six miles on my car all week because all I had to do was go to the station (it’s not safe to walk there in my ‘hood alone) and to the grocery store once. 

The train.  What a fun experience that was. 

I had a construction worker try to put some moves on me.  I had a total thug dude tell me he loved my scarf.  Two babies on opposite sides of the tracks in the very echo-y below ground station had a screaming/crying competition one afternoon.  People kept asking me about the train schedule because apparently I looked like I knew what I was doing.  (I had no clue what I was doing or what the train schedules were other than the one I was on.)  I gave a disabled guy some change so he could pay his fare.  And a lady sang nursery songs the entire trip one morning.  One evening, by the time I got home, I was about to pee all over myself.  As I sat on the toilet extremely happy I made it in time, my cell phone rang in my pocket.  It was my security alarm company.  Apparently in my rush to get my alarm turned off so I could make it to the potty in time, I managed to set off a silent alarm.  Ack!  I’ve set my alarm off really loudly a couple of times, but I honestly did not even know I had a silent alarm.  But I found out I did while sitting on the potty of all places. 

So where was I going on the train?  I left my office on Thursday, February 21st and told my bosses and my team that I would see them possibly Friday afternoon and if not, I’d definitely see them on Monday because I had jury duty but there was no possible way I’d get picked because I’ve had jury duty 345972340523-045 times and they never choose me.  I work for a law firm and my brother is a cop.  No attorneys ever want me on a jury. 

 Except this time they did.  And this wasn’t just any case.  No.  It was an absolutely horrific case.  An EXTREMELY violent murder case.  I have to be honest, this case has impacted me in a huge way that has had me thinking about some really big things.  And it has freaked me out quite a bit.  I’ve been looking over my shoulder constantly for the past couple of weeks.  I could not make myself sleep upstairs in my house until two days ago because I wanted to be able to hear any and all noises that might be happening outside.  I know that sounds crazy, y’all.  But I’ve been incredibly spooked and almost feel  haunted by this case.  And I’m not really ready to talk about it on here.  I’ve been checking online and at this point I don’t see that this person has been transferred to a prison yet.  And until I can see that online, I really don’t want to put any details on here that might possibly connect me to the case.  And quite honestly, I might not ever talk about any details on here.  Because he might be in custody, but everyone he knows is not. 

Okay, it’s law partner rap battle time so I have to run.  Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! 

Do y’all miss Music Monday?  Should we start it back up or was that kind of dumb to y’all?


  1. Yes!!! Hell to the yes on the resuming of Music Monday!

    I hope you have a great weekend too. : )

  2. Music Monday was fun. Beverly, do not ever mention anything that could cause you or your loved ones harm. We do NOT need to know every detail of your life even if someone asks.

    Stay safe and have a good weekend.

  3. I must agree with Sadie, silence might be the best stance for now. We want you to be safe. Hope you had fun at the rap battle and have a good weekend.

  4. Loved Music Monday!

    I thought you were going to mention you dropped your cell phone in the toilet. A lot of people do that. Thank goodness you didn't as it seems like you don't need another hassle or expense. Oy! Have a good weekend Beverly!

  5. I'm with Sadie and Tee on this one. Stay safe.

    Also YES to Music Monday again!

  6. Oh Beverly, I am so sorry you had to have that experience. And I know that feeling of being haunted by something. It sounds to me like you are acting rationally as a response to an experience of irrationality. I wish I could hug you. Oh wait! I can! In less than a month! Yay!

  7. I take it you're talking about MARTA? I used to live up in Alpharetta and occasionally took MARTA from a nearby station that was then the northern most stop, all the way to the airport, and then back when i returned. In just the course of one year it got weirder and weirder. But i never experienced the super weirdness I experienced on the subway in NY. that was probably just dumb luck.
