Friday, August 30, 2013

Bless her heart.

Okay, in the spirit of trying to post regularly, here I am again.  But I don't know what in the world I'm going to write about.  Let's just see what happens here, okay?

Oh.  I just thought of something!

No, that's stupid.

Are any of you doing anything fun for the holiday weekend?  I know at least one of you came to Atlanta for Dragon Con this weekend and I'm going to go out on a limb here and figure you're not reading today.  Can I just confess that I don't really get Dragon Con?  Like at all.   As in, what is it even for?  I know people dress up in costumes and then I usually forget it's Dragon Con weekend here in Atlanta and I see people who have stopped in the grocery store to pick up something wearing some crazy get up and I think to myself, "Wow.  That person has gone off the deep end for sure.  They are in the grocery store dressed up like a zombie turtle."

I had some potential plans but the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to participate.  One of my dearest friends in the world is about to have a birthday next week.  I received an invitation to a cook-out tomorrow.  Sounds harmless, right? 

A little back story.

I've been friends with this dear, sweet person since we were 15-years-old which is, well, a lot of years because I just turned 45 about 2 weeks ago and she'll be 45 next week.  We were high school friends and we were roommates for a couple of years in college and had many crazy adventures (stories for another day).  She stayed with my ex and I some when she went through a divorce.  I lived with her and her now second husband while I was going through my divorce about 9 years ago.  I adore her.  But her mom?  Well, I love her mom too but her mom is a little loopy.  Okay.  She's A LOT loopy.  She's one accordion short of a Polka band.  She's a few tomatoes short of a good thick sauce.  She doesn't have all the dots on her dice.  Her belt doesn't go through all of the loops.  The bees are buzzing, but the flower ain't in bloom.  She's nuttier than squirrel poop.  Her biscuits ain't quite done. 

Bless her heart. 

I love her to death, but she's just not quite all there most of the time.

Last fall - I would say it was in October or November - her mom called me while I was at work one day.   She said my friend (her daughter) had told her all about what's been going on in my life, about my house, about Hot Brazilian, etc. and that she is just so proud of me after watching us all grow up and how glad she is that her daughter and I are still such great friends.  And it was good to hear her mom's voice.  She then asked me for my home address and said she wanted to send me something so I gave her my address and didn't really think anything else about it because I didn't see anything come from her in the mail.

Until last month.


When I got a Christmas card from her. 

She wrote a note on the back of the envelope that said, "Better late than never!  Just found this in my office!"  Um, why not just save it and send it this coming Christmas?  It wasn't dated and I never would have known.

My birthday was earlier this month and my friend called me to wish me a happy birthday and catch up.  I told her what her mom had done and she laughed for 5 minutes straight and told me how glad she was I shared the story with her because she had just had a stressful day and needed something to laugh about.

Anyway, I got my mail out of the mailbox last night and saw something from her mom.  "Oh goodness.  It must be an Easter card.  Bless her heart," I thought. 

I opened it up and it's a flyer type invitation to go to a "Grandma and Gramps" cookout for tomorrow.  I'm not entirely sure what a Grandma and Gramps cookout is. She also enclosed a little scrap piece of paper with a handwritten note to me letting me know they will be celebrating my friend's birthday which is next week and how much she would love to see me there.

At the bottom it asks everyone to please RSVP. 

But there is no phone number.

And it's supposed to rain tomorrow.

Also, they live in Villa Rica which is close to the Alabama line and I'm not sure I want to drive all that way for a grandma cookout.  

Well, now that I've just written all of this out, I have to go, right?  This has blog material written all over it!

This is also reminding me of the Christmas while I was living with my friend during my divorce when my friend opened up a gift from her mom.  It was a bunch of exercise videos called "Getting in Shape the Jesus Way" or something along those lines.  I think it was aerobics videos done to gospel music.  Um.  Okay.   Those went straight into a closet and probably remain shrink wrapped to this day unless she got rid of them when she moved a few years ago.

Mentioning "bless her heart" reminded me of this video series.....Sh%t Southern Women Say.  I've lived in Georgia my entire life and I'm pretty certain I've heard someone say 99% of this stuff.  For real.

Y'all have a great weekend!  If my kids go out and party and stay gone most of the weekend as they usually do I'll try to post again at some point. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing that video! SOOOO FUNNY!!

    1. Watch the others in the series too. Hilarious!

    2. I love those videos... I wish they would make more!

      They also have a FB page.

  2. Dragon*Con is a convention for fans of comics, science fiction, gaming, and geek culture in general. It affords artists and writers a chance to meet their fans and vice versa, a common ground for fans to connect and meet the stars of the shows they follow with cultish devotion, and, yes, dress up in sometimes elaborate costumes, some that attain work-of-art status in reality.

    I've been once, it was a bit overwhelming, but it does it's job admirably. There's something to do for 4 1/2 days straight be it panels or shopping or partying. I prefer smaller cons, though, both as an attendee and a vendor :)

    1. Ah! Thank you! I really just did not have a clue what it was.

  3. I enjoy your blog. It's really funny. You have a gift for making something unpleasant, funny. (funny to the reader, if not to you)
    Thanks for writing.

    PS I feel a kindred spirit in you because this afternoon all the lights on one side of my house went out. Resetting the circuit breakers didn't help. The excitement comes from trying to find an electrician on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day! It all worked out. Electrician came. Problem fixed.
    The real drama comes from knowing that a random stranger has you and your checkbook by the shorthairs!!!

    1. Bless your heart.....

      Glad to hear you got your spark back!

  4. We have no big plans for the weekend. Since it has FINALLY stopped raining here I may go to the beach tomorrow before my son's football game. BY MYSELF! You have NO idea how excited I am over the prospect of sitting for a few hours with my toes in the sand....BY MYSELF! My dad is supposed to be released from the hospital tomorrow. My mother thinks it's a day too late. My father thinks it's a day too early. I'm turning my phone off while I sit on the beach because I don't want to listen to the two of them! Enjoy your long weekend!

  5. Of course you have to go to this bbq event! You should take a camera as well. : )

  6. The barbeque is definitely blog fodder fur the future.

    Good friends like that are hard to find.

  7. I think the BBQ sounds fun! If it wasn't 5 hours from Nashville, I would offer to go with you. I have no problems socializing with complete strangers.

    Maybe it is being held by "Grandma & Grandpa"?

  8. That video was so funny and, yes, it all sounds familiar. Hope the "Grandma and Gramps" BBQ didn't get rained out. And belated very happy birthday wishes to you.

    Amanda, if you have no problems socializing with complete strangers, you should plan to come to the Atlanta BBPfest next month.

    1. Yes! Come hang out with us in Atlanta next month, Amanda! We are crazy in the good way. Bless our hearts......

  9. I can't see the video! I'll check again when we get home. I hope you go to the BBQ just to see the craziness.

    We stayed out of Atlanta because if all the dragon con crowds. I didn't even get to go to Ikea. *snif*. We just helped our son with stuff around the house. Nothing exciting but good to spend time with the family. Time to drive home today.

  10. Beverly,
    Our friends took their grandchildren to the Dragon Con parade Saturday morning and had a blast! By taking Marta, they avoided the traffic. I saw the pictures and it looks like fun. The costumes were amazing.
