Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Look at me posting two days in a row. The earth must be coming to an end.

Okay, I'm caving to the Pie on the Face pressure and posting again.  Two days in a row.  Are y'all happy?

This is going to be mostly pictures because I am busy, busy, busy here at work.  And someone just emailed me and asked me which IT class I signed up for tomorrow and I wrote her back and asked what in the heck she's talking about because I have no idea what in the heck she's talking about.  So tomorrow probably just got a little crazier than I was expecting too.  Perhaps I should be paying closer attention to my email.  I bet it came in the day I was home with holes cut out all over my house last week.

Which leads to this plethora of pictures.  And if you're friends with me on Facebook you've seen some of these before so you will need to get over it and pretend this is all new, okay?

I want y'all to see what stresses me out before I ever get to my house which breaks every other day:

Dear Atlanta traffic:  YOU SUCK!

And after I sit in that crappy stuff twice a day, this is the kind of stuff that keeps happening to my house over and over for 19 months I've lived in it.

I present to you my ceiling in my reading nook.  By the way, do you know how many times in 19 months I've relaxed in my reading nook with a good book?  Zero.  The only time I've sat in the nice, comfy overstuffed chair and ottoman in my reading nook since I moved in my house was when I was in a giant cast and body brace from tripping on my flip flop and breaking my humerus in 4 places when I had to sleep in my reading nook chair for 3 months since I could not lay [lie? I always get those wrong] down.  This giant ceiling hole is repaired now, but this is what it looked like for a good part of the past 2 weeks with a bucket under it and water dripping out of it and my cat constantly drinking gross dripped water out of the bucket:

And here is the reason the ceiling downstairs in my reading nook was all molded and then cut out and gross water was dripping in a bucket so my cat could drink gross dripped water out of a bucket.  This is what the bathroom that my fake daughter and I share upstairs looked like for a bit last week:

I liked that tile a lot.

But because they had to cut out the tile and the tile couldn't be re-used and my house was a foreclosure and I had no clue where the tile had come from originally, I had to have the entire bathtub re-tiled.  I haven't take a photo of it after the grout was added, but here's the work in progress.  And the lady who owned my house previously must have gotten the best deal in the history of the universe on bead board because it is everywhere in my house.  9 closets, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms (including the walls AND ceiling of the one below), the kitchen and the walls and ceiling of my garage are all lined in it.  It's a good thing I like bead board, huh?

Below is what the bedroom on the back side of the downstairs shower which was ALSO broken looked like for a bit last week.  It was the shower which had a two inch crack in the pipe and guess what?  I had the stems replaced TWICE in that shower already which was about $350 worth of unnecessary work since that wasn't going to fix a giant pipe crack and prevent water from gushing into my crawl space and under the tile in the bedroom below.  And when I posted this picture on Facebook, one of my friends asked if the contractors had painted a wiener on my wall.  No, it's not a wiener painting.  It squiggled the rest of the way up the wall under the bead board and stuff that they had to remove to cut into the wall.  My walls are wiener free.

After my cat was all disappointed that her gross dripped water bucket had been taken away (seriously, she was so sad and walked around the area meowing like her entire world had been torn apart) she decided to drink out of my toilet.  Why are animals so gross?  Two nights I have gotten up in the middle of the night and I had to physically pick her up and put her on the floor so I could use the toilet because she would not move out of the way she loves that water so much.

Maybe this is why that cat has such tummy troubles.  Because instead of drinking her nice clean water out of her water bowl, she's on a quest for the grossest water she can possibly find in my house.  Actually, her stomach problems have gotten a little bit better the past few weeks because I medicated the crap out of her with some stuff the vet prescribed for her.  But she would not eat it if I tried hiding it in cheese, chicken, etc. so I had to buy a pill shooter.  And here is a photo of fake son holding her for me while I shot meds down her throat.  You can see how thrilled she is and her love for both of us was great for about a week and a half of this.  Yes, fake son is really good looking.  Stop drooling, okay?  He's only 18 so get your mind out of the gutter.  And yes, I have stainless steel appliances and granite counter tops which June hates.  You're supposed to be paying attention to the evil slit eye my cat is giving me rather than boys and kitchen appliances.

And if sick cats, bad traffic, and holes being cut into stuff all over my house didn't stress me out enough, this happened a couple of weeks ago:


I was sitting on the sofa talking to my mom on the phone and she was really upset about some stuff she's dealing with which is also adding to my stress because I love the heck out of my mom when I suddenly had to interrupt her and scream, "OMG!  Mom I need to call you back because there is a lizard in my living room!"  I'm pretty sure she wasn't expecting that.  Neither was I.  I chased this thing all over my living room with a solo cup so I could take it back outside.  Did you know these things can hop?  Did you know I can scream loud enough to wake the dead?  I finally caught it and got it outside and I hope I never see it's little green self again.

And here I am as a cartoon when I'm about to explode from the stress.

I'll do my best to post again tomorrow with something new.



  1. Your poor house. Poor you!
    Atlanta traffic would make me homicidal!

  2. Oh my goodness! When I saw that lizard...snort!

    House problems will drive.you.crazy. Then add the stress of the cost. Old houses are beautiful, but costly. We had out old house built 37 years ago, but now it's an old house for real and the upkeep is expensive.

    Heather, the traffic in Atlanta is not like that ALL the time, only during rush hours. We don't have a rush hour, it HOURS starting around 3:45 p.m.

    1. But Tee, the only time I'm in traffic is during rush hours. Sigh.

  3. Oh my gosh Beverly, just got caught up from May...WHEW!! I'm all wore out! That lizard...gross! Are lizards normal in Georgia, cause they sure aren't in Iowa. Every picture you post of your house, I love everything. Love the new tile, I do love beadboard greatly, love your kitchen, love all the wall colors, love it all. Thanks for posting twice in two days!

  4. I want beadboard in my garage. But, I don't want a lizard crawling down my wall. Lizards outside I can deal with, crawling down my wall would send me screaming. Thanks for caving to the pressure and posting again so soon!

  5. 1. Thank You Beverly!!!

    2. Love that lamp shade in the reading-less nook

    3. My kitties only drink out of the dog's bowl or running water in the sink. Bastards.

    4. I love lizards because they eat bugs. But it's a good thing you rescued him because I bet that cat of yours would love to eat him!

    5. Beadboard is great, you should get some. : )

    1. LisaPie, I have two lamp shades like that in my reading-less nook. They came from Cost Plus World Market and they were just normal lamp shades that I had my electrician turn into pendants. But I bought them 2 years ago so they may not carry them still.

  6. Stress really sucks. I hope yours is relieved soon.

    I don't have a problem with lizards. We have zillions of them here. We had a baby one that appeared on the ceiling last night. Never saw it crawl up there, he just appeared. HH said, oh I'm leaving it, it will eat the bugs. I haven't seen it since and god only knows where it is now.

    Ps. I'm off the toilet now.

    1. Apparently Anita's HH and I went to the same school regarding lizards and their diet.

    2. I wish they'd do a better job with the spiders. I'm no June, I don't relocate those things.

    3. I'm glad you finally got off that toilet.

  7. Ooohhhh... Atlanta always has rush hour whenever I want to drive around it. Seriously! Nashville rush hour is also funky, due to lack of infrastructure, but not as bad as ATL or Chicago. We have a rule in our house that all toilet lids must be closed at all times. Mostly because Athena nearly drowned in the toilet as a kitten (she's now 20) & I don't want the dog to drink out of the toilet - ever.

    Your new tile is very nice!

  8. Beverly, that beaded board might be original to your house and the previous owner didn't add it.

    AA, lizards are a very common thing in GA. We have them all the time and they watch you. Their little eyes move as they are watching you and they change colors. I'm not afraid of them, but I don't want them in my house, and the spiders in my house are squished, never relocated.
