Thursday, September 19, 2013


I didn't post yesterday because this is what my day consisted of:

Ring, ring, ring.

"Help Desk, this is _________ speaking."


Anytime I can have THREE people in our IT department admit defeat after I have spent approximately 2.5 hours on the phone with them logged in with me working on a document is a day when I don't feel like such an idiot.  Because I had already tried to figure this document catastrophe out by myself, but after spending a couple of hours at my desk cursing under my breath, I called in for help.  Our trainer, who I've never known to not be able to figure out how to fix something, said this document was not fixable (it was what I call a Frankenstein document - my boss had cut and pasted parts of documents from attorneys here, from the client, from documents on the internet, and had revised it repeatedly over the course of a month, the client had made revisions, etc. and then I was given the fun task of formatting the entire thing and creating a Table of Contents).  Between that and having a billing deadline with approximately 20 gazillion clients with 20 gazillion bills each, I did not have time to post.  And you can imagine I was in a good mood too.

Before I go on with my post for today (which at this point I have no clue what I'm going to write about), let's talk about the salad dressing I drank because two of you asked what kind of salad dressing I drank like that is the important thing.  The important part of the story is that it was disgusting to take a giant gulp of salad dressing when you're expecting a sweet and creamy gulp of iced coffee.  But the truth is, I don't even know what kind of salad dressing I drank. 

We have lots of breakfast and lunch meetings in our office and there are lots of leftovers around here which is why it's a good thing I don't normally go to lunch until 1:00 or 1:30 because I get free lunch a lot.  And sometimes there are TONS of leftovers so we get free lunch and then put some up for the next day too or, as was the case this time, I was in the middle of eating my lunch I brought from home when the leftovers were brought in the break room so I got some salad to save for the next day's lunch.  The salad and dressing were from Maggiano's and I had put some dressing in a cup so that I wasn't Miss Piggy of the law firm by taking the entire container.  It was kind of beige/off-white in color and creamy but it was not a typical ranch, blue cheese, etc.  It was something I've never had before and it was not good to gulp straight from a cup, however, it was quite delicious on my salad once I finally ate it the correct way.

And guess what I just ran and got.  More free salad.  It's Caesar with Caesar dressing and I've already put the dressing on my salad since I'm going to eat it in about an hour so I won't be drinking it today.  I think it's important that y'all know I'm not going to make salad dressing gulping a habit.

Also, y'all discussed my garage door remote situation.  Sara with your h, I can buy a remote that attaches to my key chain and program it to go with my existing opener? Even if I'm the most technology challenged person on planet Earth?  Where do I buy one?  And Anita, you're not dreaming.  I did get a new keypad installed to open and close my garage, but my hands were too full to hold the remote and they were also too full to slide open a cover and punch buttons on a key pad.

One more thing y'all asked about in the comments is if I have tried melatonin (I just typed melanoma at first and no, I haven't tried skin cancer to cure insomnia) or Mid-Nite for my sleeping issues.  And the answer is yes.  I've tried Mid-Nite, Calms Forte, melatonin, Ambien, Tylenol PM, Advil PM, store brand PM, two different natural products my mom uses but I can't remember the names of either of them, and my doctor has tried putting me on anti-anxiety meds and anti-depressants and neither of those phased me.  Well, the anti-depressants phased me but not in the area of my lack of sleep.  They made me lose all sense of balance to the point that I would be walking down the hall and fall down for no reason (and let's face it, I don't need any help falling down since I fell and broke my arm twice in a year without being on any meds at all) and they made me drive like a maniac and know it but I could not stop myself from going 30 - 40 miles over the speed limit and cutting and weaving in and out of traffic closely in front of people on the expressway, so that was a very short six week experiment that failed miserably and almost made me injure myself or someone else.  I've tried cutting out all caffeine.  I've tried exercising.  I've tried meditating and do y'all know what I suck at?  Meditating.  I went to a counselor to "talk about things" and "share my feelings" to see if I just had too much crap bottled up inside (which I do, but spending all that money talking about my crap each week for over a year didn't help me sleep either).  I've tried not watching TV or looking at electronics for a certain amount of time before bed.  I've bought new pillows.  I've sprayed stuff in my room with lavender and chamomile.  I've drank chamomile.  Hot showers.  Hot baths.  I've even bought a new bed.  Nothing works.

So basically, I just get by on 3 or 4 hours total of broken up bits of sleep (and that's on a good night) and I read a whole lot of books in the middle of the night.  Reading does put me to sleep fairly quickly, but I don't stay asleep for very long.  Sometimes I'll stay asleep for an hour, sometimes only 15 or 20 minutes.  But if y'all can think of anything else to try, I am game.  I never had sleeping issues in my life until I went through my divorce.  So I blame my ex-husband for this.  Along with a bunch of other stuff (see above re: bottled up crap).

Well, look at that.  I didn't know what to write about but I think this is long enough.  Long enough to make y'all think I'm insane anyway.


  1. Melatonin does nothing for me either. I'd have better luck with M&Ms. The original Unisom tablets (they don't contain the same stuff as Benadryl) help some. Valerian root followed with a Nighty-Night tea chaser sometimes helps too.

  2. Beverly,
    Although I've never tried it nor known anyone who has, I wonder if acupuncture would help? I mean, as long as they don't forget you and leave you there overnight as was recently in the news. Or maybe hypnosis?

    1. I would not be opposed to trying acupuncture. I had something similar after I broke my humerus in 4 places last year during my physical therapy since after 2 months of therapy I still couldn't raise my arm to shoulder height. I had something called dry needling 4 times. It has a different philosophy behind it than acupuncture, but it uses the same needles. It hurt like a son-of-a-beyotch all 4 times since they were sticking needles into locked up muscles and pumping them in and out and hitting my bone, but it made a huge difference.

      I have a feeling acupuncture for sleeping would be way less painful and I already know I can survive being stuck with multiple needles. I will look into this. Thanks, Sadie! I had not even thought of this as an option.

  3. Keychain garage remotes can be purchased at lowe's or home depot. I recently programmed mine so I'm guessing you will be able to do it because I am completely an idiot.

    I'm getting another one for my daughter to use so let's hope I can somehow program it as well.

  4. Ok I want you to go to this website and read about his CD's.

    Beverly I have a closed head injury that keeps me from going into the deepest stages of restful sleep. These CD's have helped me more than anything else. I can tell you that the first night I used them my body felt rested but my brain felt like it was awake all night long. The second night was so much better and finally I don't have to use them any more. The Delta Sleep System is what I have. It works. Read about them on his website and then go to Amazon and buy them because they are a few dollars cheaper or you can buy them as a download if you do that kind of thing.

    1. I will definitely check this out. Trust me, I'm open to ANYTHING that might work. Thanks, Heather!

  5. Do you maybe have sleep apnea? I did and swore I didn't. Never felt like I woke but I was 10-15 times a night just to breathe. Sleep great now with the mask in place.

  6. Do you maybe have sleep apnea? I did and swore I didn't. Never felt like I woke but I was 10-15 times a night just to breathe. Sleep great now with the mask in place.

    1. This is another thing I haven't thought of for some reason. Y'all are so smart! I do suspect I may have sleep apnea. A few years ago I had gone to my mom's house for Easter and it was a weird year when no one else came so it was just the two of us. I was exhausted (as one is when you don't ever sleep at night) and I asked if we could take a quick power nap because I felt like I was about to collapse.

      I sat down in her overstuffed chair and ottoman and dozed off for about 30 or 45 minutes. She never fell asleep but she said in that short time she heard me gasping for air 3 times.

      Did you have to go through a sleep study and all of that? That's the part I would worry about. What if I fart in my sleep or something?

    2. Beverly,
      You really should find out about the sleep apnea. Don't worry about what could happen at a sleep study as I'm sure they have seen everything. I once had a coworker who had previously worked at a sleep study place. She told me about one man who was there for a study who the employees nicknamed The Tentmaker. So see, you don't have THAT to worry about.

      My BIL had a study done last year because he was always tired all day. Turned out to be a bad case of sleep apnea. He said wearing a mask at night has made a world of difference. No, I do not know what the employees at the sleep study nicknamed him. Better yet, neither does he.

  7. Beverly, I've had sleep problems for years. Tried just about everything, Ambien CR worked for several years but I wanted to get off of it so my doctor suggested Dr. Shane's Sleep Easily Method. We ordered the CD and it actually works! I think, for me, the biggest help is the earplugs. I put them in and just concentrate on the sound of my breathing. If I get up during the night to go potty, I can even fall back to sleep pretty quickly. I'm including links to the CD and to the best earplugs we've found. Good luck!


  8. I wish I had advise, the mid nite works great for me. I am always just in awe how busy you always are. I think I would have a nervous breakdown! I am so glad you are posting so often, makes the withdrawals from June easier!

    1. Really, Sandra? Because I feel like I have kind of a boring life. I'm just busy with stupid stuff like my house breaking, fake kids living with me, and watching football even though I don't like football.

  9. My sleep study was easy...(I am sure they called me something), but I am resting soooo much better with my cpap. My sister snored so badly and stopped breathing so much on a trip we took together that I was afraid to sleep thinking she would die. She is much improved after getting her cpap machine. Oh, and my brother has a cpap, too.
    Do you know if you snore ? Snoring is a big indicator of sleep apnea.

    1. Cpap! I was trying to think of the correct name of the machine.

  10. Please get a sleep study done. My first go round they thought sleep apnea. Second go round they found out I have restless leg. I used to sleep 3-4 hours as well. Now I'm up to 6-7 solid. I what I would give for 8... But 6 is better than it was
