Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just another crazy night in the 'hood.

I'm still alive.  I think.  IT HAS BEEN A CRAZY TWO WEEKS THOUGH, Y'ALL.

I was on vacation the week of Christmas through today.  I had internet issues and my laptop seems to be fried so I didn't blog.  Now I'm back at work, trying to get caught up and I hope my life regains some semblance of normalcy again. 

The past couple of weeks has involved gobs of family drama and gobs of 16-year-old-my-life-sucks-even-though-I-thought-I-was-in-love-and-already-had-my-entire-life-planned-out-drama (from my niece) which I can't talk about on here even though it took up about 464975613168797846431 hours of my life and aged me by many years.  And now I am having a I-thought-I-knew-more-about-life-and-was-smarter-and-more-mature-than-this drama filled morning because of a stupid thing someone posted on Facebook earlier which I also don't want to talk about but I have sent a very pissy email to someone this morning already.  And gawd, isn't it time for my lunch break yet?  Because then I will be away from my computer and can't send any more emails I might later regret.  My neighbor saw it too and sent me a private message and invited me over to drink wine at 11:45 a.m.  But damn it, I'm at work.

My mom and her husband were at my house for a week.  He did some of this:

I don't think Bailey was happy about having to share her sofa.  But she didn't poop or pee on him thankfully.  She just glared with her laser eyes.

On the Monday night before Christmas, I decided to make a nice dinner for my family since I don't cook.  It was a pork tenderloin from Trader Joe's which is already seasoned and I just had to stick it in the oven.  And I made some sauteed vegetables and I kind of burned them.  And we had frozen mashed potatoes from Trader Joe's which actually tasted good but my mom made them and added too much liquid so they were runny.  It was an awesome dinner as you can tell.  My brother drove about 30 minutes from his house for this delicious meal.

They were all drinking wine and my brother broke the cork so we put a coffee filter down on the counter to catch spills, and strained the wine through a colander and this is what it looked like when we were pouring fancy glasses of wine at my house:

It was a fine dining sort of evening is what it was.  We might as well have been at the Ritz Carlton or the local uppity country club we were so classy that night.  Wine through a colander, runny frozen mashed potatoes, and burned vegetables.  Don't be jealous we didn't have enough to share, y'all.

After we made it through all of that, we played hand and foot for hours.  My brother left my house around 12:30 a.m. and my mom's husband debated moving their car back in my driveway off of the street.  I strongly advised him to do so, he still debated, my mom advised him to do so, he still debated, and finally he decided to wise up and listen to us and he moved their car back in my driveway.

Turns out it's a good thing he listened to us because something crazy happened in my 'hood about an hour later.  Only we were all in bedrooms on the back of my house and never heard a thing.

The next morning my mom's husband was going to run up to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things we had forgotten and he came back inside after only a couple of minutes and said, "Um, girls.  You were right.  It's a good thing I moved the car last night.  I was parked right behind your neighbor's car and their car got smashed.  It's destroyed front and back.  The entire back windshield is gone."

We walked outside and this is what it looked like:

 That bluish stuff all over the street is the remains of his back window.

OMG.  There are three people renting the house next door.  It's a super long story as to why they are temporarily without a driveway and have to park on the street right now.  I am friends with the owners of the house so I texted the wife to let her know what had happened as I was sure she would hear about it.  A little while later I walked back outside to take these photos so I could show her how bad it was.  There are two guys and a girl who are renting the house and the girl happened to be walking outside when I went back out.  Their names start with J, A, and M so I'm going to call them my jam neighbors from now on.  The black car belongs to A.  He was in California when this happened.

M, the girl was outside so I asked her what in the world had happened.  She asked if we had heard anything and I told her I wasn't sure how, but no, we didn't hear a thing. She went on to tell me that J had come home from work around 1:00 a.m. and he was awake but his room is on the back of the house like my bedroom is and he had not heard it either. 

Her bedroom is on the front of their house and she heard a huge crash and A's car alarm went off so she screamed to J since A was out of town and told him someone had just hit A's car.  They ran downstairs and out the front door and the girl was still on the scene but trying to pull away so they got her tag number, then jumped in M's car and followed her.  The girl who did this lives right down the street somewhere so they followed her into her driveway and she jumped out of the car and ran inside her house.

M and J called the cops, obviously.

The reason they jumped in M's car is because J's car had also been smashed to smithereens.  He had moved it to a street around the corner by the time I was out there the next morning so I haven't seen his car, but apparently his axle is cracked, his tires are all pigeon-toed, and his car is not able to be driven either.  They said the girl's car was in really bad shape too and they were shocked she was able to drive down the street.

My immediate assumption was that she was drunk.

She wasn't.

Y'all, this is so crazy.  The girl had caught her husband with another woman.  She attacked the other woman.  The other woman pepper sprayed the girl, she then jumped in her car and drove off with pepper spray in her eyes so she couldn't see anything and tried to drive home.  She rammed into the back of A's car (the one in the photos), it shoved his car forward about 10 feet she hit it so hard, it whacked into the back of J's car, and then she drove home.

The cops had already been called by the husband and the other woman and they were looking for this girl because they knew she was a danger.  So then my jam neighbors called them to tell them what she had done and when they arrived at the girl's house she was standing at her kitchen sink washing out her eyes.  And she was arrested.  Amen.  That girl's Christmas and New Year had to suck though.

Later that day, A's mom came over and she and J borrowed my broom and dustpan and swept up all of the glass so I talked to them about it some but they really had nothing new to add to the story.  I'm just glad my car was in my garage and my mom's husband wised up and moved their car off the street.

The owner of the house texted me a couple of days later and she said she drove by to see the car and she couldn't believe how much worse it is in person than in the photos. 

Okay y'all, it's time for me to go eat lunch.  You will just have to wait to hear the rest of the crazy of my week (hosting my family Christmas and having to make two different Christmas meals even though I swore I would never do that again, the mall the day after Christmas, my internet and television debacle, a trip to Athens, etc.).  I was sick for the past 5 days and have hardly eaten.  But today I'm starving.  Oh, it was a peaceful vacation as you can tell.


  1. Oh dear Lord, 16 year old drama is THE WORST DRAMA EVER! Because they know everything and we know nothing. We've NEVER been in love LIKE THIS. And just CAN NOT UNDERSTAND. Can you tell I've been through this a few times. And still have one more kiddo to go. I'm apologizing to my liver in advance. If you find yourself caught up in it again give me a ring. I'll send my mom down. She gives my kids 3 days (which is 3 days longer than she ever gave me) to get over THE LOVE OF THIER LIFE. The evening of day 3 she shows up at my house. Tries very hard to reason with the teenager. And, when that fails, they get a nice pop across the cheek with a "SNAP OUT OF IT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" from their 5 ft. nothing 99 lb grandmother. It's quite funny to witness!
    Happy to hear you are feeling better! And just think, tomorrow is Friday. Yay.

    1. I think I'm in love with your mother. Yes, I'd like to borrow her please.

  2. Um, and I do know how to spell "their" fingers, however, do not :) and of course it's in all caps too. I need more coffee.

  3. Jeez that car is totaled, just glad that no one was hurt in that melee. Glad you made it through the holidays alive!

  4. Your poor neighbors...

  5. GodDAMNit, I live in a boring neighborhood.

  6. I thought my VW Jetta ending up in the lake this past summer was bad... Your poor neighbor!

    You manage to have crazy things happen that don't happen to anyone... Was this on your requirements for a neighborhood? "Must have crazy people!"

  7. I've just made a note to myself, "self, always park in Beverly's driveway and not on the street."

    So glad you are feeling better. You have been missed.

  8. ummm, Amanda....a car in a lake ? Details ?

  9. Thank goodness your mother's husband finally listened to you and moved his car. He would never have lived it down had he not. There is never a dull moment in your 'hood, is there?

    Amanda! A car in the lake? That sounds awful.

  10. Holy mackerel!!!!!

  11. I'm always strangely comforted when I hear of crazy things like this happening to other people, too. It's good to not be alone in the weirdness. Poor people were just minding their own business and *bam*......they wake up to this. And as far as the cheating husband...I don't believe in karma.....but in these cases I always wish I did. - GG
