Thursday, November 8, 2012

I got smarter this week.

Things I have learned this week:

*  The best way to vote in my polling place is to work late, stampede to the school I have to vote in completely in a panic that you are not going to make it there in time, and you will not have to wait in line for even a minute. 

*  I have some far right, over-the-top conservative friends in life.  And some of them are super sore losers on Facebook.  And apparently any of us who voted for Obama do not care about children, we have "rabid cravings for free stuff free of any responsibility," have our "heads up our asses", we have an "absurd amount of ignorance," and we are "self absorbed greedy thieves."  Today he says he hopes Texas secedes from the US and that it would be the ultimate irony if all of the southern states secede to escape slavery.  And that's just what ONE friend said..... By the way, he also claims to be a Christian and talks about going to church all the time.  Aren't Christians supposed to be non-judgmental?  And do people on either side think that such mean comments will ever convince someone on the other side to think about changing their mind about things?

* With my new temporary desk at work, I cannot get on the internet for anything that isn't work related because I'm directly in the path between the lobby on our floor and the office of one of our big wig partners who is on the management committee.  He walks by my desk a lot.  And one of my bosses is in an office approximately 2 feet from my desk and my back is to him so I never hear or see anyone coming.  So no internet for me.  And I have learned just how productive I can actually be when I'm working the entire time I'm at work.  There is another girl on the other end of my floor who apparently just doesn't care, because one of my friends told me she sits in her cubicle and plays computer games a good part of the day. 

*  My car seems to have some electrical issues.  A couple of years ago, every single time I turned to the right the 'door open' chime would go off and my dome light would come on.  And if you want to know something that got to be incredibly annoying, it was that.  I finally got that fixed after 2 times in the shop.  About a month ago, I had to have every brake light bulb changed except one - my driver's side main brake light was out and all 6 of the little bulbs in the middle light were out.  Last week my battery died.  When I took it in, the passenger's side brake light was out.  Last night a headlight went out.  I've now spent almost $150 getting lights replaced in less than 2 months (and don't even suggest I do it myself.  I tried that once.  Once.  Never again.)  Oy.

*  Trying to download stuff from my Amazon Cloud Drive to my mp3 player is enough to put me in the funny farm.  I kept downloading and downloading and synching to my mp3 player and it would not show up on it.  And then suddenly this one album did show up.  Three times.  I like The Lumineers, but not that much.

* And finally I learned this:  y'all know yourselves some meat songs.

Here are my submissions:

 And computer is only playing about 3 seconds of each song on You Tube if it will play anything at all.  So I'm not going to link to videos for the Music Monday results this week.  You'll have to look them up.  Sorry!  Don't know what's going on......

My submissions:  Tom Waits - Eggs and Sausage, The Smiths - Meat is Murder, and Taj Mahal - Bacon Fat.

First Place goes to Tee for The Chicken Song!  Come on, you know you can't hear that song without wanting to dance!!

Second Place goes to Lisa Pie for Jimmy Buffet's Cheeseburger in Paradise.

And Third Place goes to Scraps for Meatloaf's In the Land of the Pigs, The Butcher is King.

Hey Just Paula, are you okay up there?  Y'all have been beaten up by Mother Nature but I hope you and your family are making it through this okay.  I saw on Facebook that it took you 3 hours to get home yesterday?  OMG.  Did you have to work today?  Let me know if there's anything we can do for you!!


  1. We must share some of the same friends. I never knew all of my "good Christian" friends could be so ugly. One even went so far as to say anyone who voted for Obama is a racist! WTF?? So glad the election is over, maybe this country can start working together and supporting each other....right.
    Hope your life is calming down and you are able to relax this weekend!

  2. Blocked my first person the day after the election. People are entitled to opinions and even to express them. Outright hatred is another thing altogether.

    Excellent meat songs - I had no idea there were so many!

  3. I have a bunch of those faux Christian/rabid Tea Party morons on my fb as well. Sadly, they are also in my family and I can't delete them from that relationship.

    Tee, good call on the Chicken dance song! I agree, there is no way to sit still through that one. You just have to get up and cluck and shake your tail feathers!

  4. We're fine! Thanks! Yes, three hours for a twelve-mile trip. I did have to go to work the next day but everyone was appropriately respectful of my woes!

  5. Congratulations to Tee, Lisa Pie and Scraps! Beverly, hope you can get out to enjoy the beautiful weather predicted for this weekend before the 50s return next week.

    Just Paula, glad to hear you and your family are fine.

    Happy weekend, everyone.

  6. I can't believe I won 1st Place! The Chicken Dance song just cracks me up. I had never heard it until our next door neighbor's daughter married a guy from Ohio, it's not a southern thing, but I loved it.

    Just Paula, so glad you are okay. Your trip home sounds like Atlanta when we have snow.

  7. Once again, catching up with Leftover Pie and lovin' it :).
