Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It's really not that cold here.

I would have posted earlier today but I've been busy at work and then I got busy posting on Anita's Facebook wall where we were having an exciting discussion about loose meat and pork tenderloin sandwiches in Iowa and trying to explain to Amish Annie that Boar's Head is just a brand name and then we discussed Coke and Pepsi and that's why I'm now going to have to write a really quick post on here and it's probably going to be kind of boring and not very good.

It's all Anita's fault because she started talking about oatmeal this morning.

It was approximately 28 or 29 degrees here in Atlanta this morning and that's my favorite weather of all the weather.  I still slept in a tank top and with my ceiling fan on last night.  I threw two quilts on me and throughout the night I threw them off, then pulled them back on.  Threw them off, then pulled them back on.  I did actually wear a lightweight wrap on my way to work this morning but did not use the heat in my car.  When I tell y'all I like cold weather I am not lying.  I still drank my one cup of coffee iced.

There were people walking into my building and you would have thought we live in Siberia.  Seriously, they are outside for less than 5 minutes getting in and out of their car.  Why do they need all of that stuff on?  Gloves, scarves, wool hats, heavy coats.  I live around a bunch of wimps is what is going on.  It's 49 degrees now and I can promise you I won't be wearing my wrap when I walk out to my car.

Having said all of that, I never want to go to NYC again when it's cold as long as I live.

My ex and his family were from New York and one year we decided to go visit his sister who lived on Long Island for Thanksgiving.  A dear friend of mine had never been to NY and she decided to go with us.  This trip involved a layover in Pittsburgh and having to fly over a bunch of water in a teeny tiny airplane with a propeller on the front of it to get affordable tickets.  And let me tell y'all a type of plane I never want to step foot on again.  I think the plane held about 20 people total.  I was scared out of my mind.  Anyway, one day while we were there we planned to take the train into the city and my friend is a shopper, y'all.

It was f*ucking freezing.

I wore tights, leggings, and jeans, three layers of shirts, a heavy coat, two pairs of thick socks, hiking boots, two pairs of gloves and a scarf and I still thought I might die from cold.  I also thought I might not be able to stand up each time I sat down because I was weighted down with so many clothes.  We stopped almost every block or two if there was a coffee shop so we could get something hot to drink and get out of the wind and cold.  We had to stop and buy my ex some warmer boots because he thought he was getting frostbite on his toes. 

And my friend would not agree to get back on the train and go back home.  She wanted to keep shopping.  My ex and I were ready to kill her before the day was up, because not only did she want to shop, but she wanted to buy knock off stuff which is not sold inside where it was warm that we could find - it was all on the sidewalk in small booths with roll down metal doors that they can quickly close when the cops come.

I bought two DVDs of movies that had just been released in the theater and they were only $5 a piece.  Boy did I think I had something special.  When we got back home we decided to watch one and basically a guy had sat in the theater and video taped the movie so you could hear people eating popcorn, you could see silhouettes when people got up to go pee, etc.  Oh it was awful!

Fake daughter posted on Facebook a couple of weeks ago that she was in trouble.  One night it got down to 48 degrees and she slept in her jeans, two pairs of socks, gloves, ear muffs, and two sweatshirts.  And I had the heat on, y'all!  I told her she is going to need to toughen up if she still wants to live here in January and that it's not even that cold here in Georgia.  She keeps telling me that she hopes it snows a lot this winter.  I'm not sure why if she can't handle it when it's almost 50 degrees.  She is also dumbfounded that eventually all of the leaves are going to fall off of the trees.  Oh does she have so much to learn about America still.

And don't worry.  I've told her not to ever go to NYC unless it's August.

I told y'all I like cold weather and I wasn't lying.  I told y'all this was going to not be a very good post.  I wasn't lying about that either.


  1. 28 degrees this morning. I had on my thermals, jeans, sweater, jacket, hat and gloves when I went out to walk our dog. Thank goodness that crazy cold wind from yesterday wasn't blowing this morning. Paula, you're right that we don't know from cold, but I'm glad our cold weather will let up before it comes back again.

    1. If I had to spend an extended amount of time outside walking a dog, working, etc. then I would cover up more. But some people probably spend more time putting crap on than they spend running in and out to their car from a building.

  2. I love the cold! I will take 20 degrees over 80 degrees any day. My theory is I can always put another layer on, but there is only so much I can take off without being arrested.

  3. Amen, DB!

    In defense of the people at work, yesterday with the wind chill it was 17 degrees. We did want until yesterday afternoon to work and it was really nice at 49 degrees. I had to shed my sweater about halfway through the walk.

    Fake daughter might want to invest into a goose down jacked (see L.L. Bean or Land's End) so she doesn't freeze to death. I love mine, but it does have to get real cold before you can wear it, but since she is from a warm climate she would probably wear it all the time.

    Have you tried the polar fleece throws/blankets? They are so lightweight yet so warm. I LOVE them. Okay, I have to go put socks on my cold feet.

    1. Yes,Tee. She definitely needs down and make it a long coat with a hood. She'll be toasty warm!

    2. I suggested a fleece blanket. She went and got thermal underwear to sleep in and then said she was too hot. I think she is never going to be comfortable no matter what she does. Ha!

    3. I would recommend an electric blanket that you can adjust the temp on. Then you can wear regular PJs to bed & not be too warm. (This PSA is brought to you by a former Michigan girl who lived with her father & he kept the heat at 65* - mostly - even when it was 15* + negative windchill outside).

    4. I kind of hesitate to suggest anything electric to her (space heater, blanket, etc.) because she is super sweet but can be a little off in la la land most of the time and I'm afraid she would leave my house without turning them off and burn my house to the ground.

  4. ALL your posts are good, Beverly!!
    Love cold weather and bundling up. Even though it's not that cold yet, walking two dogs in the rain and wind means throwing on tights, snow pants, fleece jacket, wind and waterproof parka, fleece hat, mitts and heavy boots. Yes,I AM a wimp, but I HATE being cold. When it really IS cold, the down filled parka and snowmobile boots come out.
    I'm thinking I could take on NY, no problem. Good thing Stacey and Clinton have retired, or they'd pull me off the street. I look like Nanook of the North for most of the winter.

  5. It was 31 when I left the house this morning and yes, I wore gloves. A) I'm a temperature wimp. 2) I've already had the flu and pneumonia in the last month and I'm now rocking the sexy that is a sinus infection on it's way (if it follows the usual course) to bronchitis, I don't need to tempt fate.

    1. Okay, you're excused and allowed to bundle up. Hope you feel better soon! I had pneumonia once and it is HORRID. It took me about 2 months before I felt normal again.

    2. 31 is cold for Florida. I think I had more colds when I lived in northern Florida because of it's damp cold winters. I'm sorry you've been so sick and hope bronchitis is NOT on it's way. You definitely deserve a break from illness. I'll think healthy thoughts for you.

  6. I live in Memphis, our departmental policy states that the thermostat must always be set on 72 degrees (following many many moons of thermostat wars). in response, I run a heater under my desk, year round... year round. Every single day. It is freezing in my office. 72 degrees? have these people lost their minds?

    Today it is 38 degrees outside and yet somehow, strangely the airconditioner remains on in the department, blowing it's freezing arctic air.... I am in my own version of hell.

    1. Our office is set on 71 and I usually have a fan blowing on me. The lady in the cube next to me sits with a fleece blanket on her lap and a space heater going. It's kind of hilarious how different we all are, isn't it?

    2. I'm the person with the blanket & heater all year long.

    3. Ditto when I was working, Sarah with an (h). It's probably 72 - 74 degrees here in Sacramento today and it's cold in my house. Can't wait to put on my flannel pj's and fleece slippers. I hate being cold.

  7. I think that stores sell different varieties of winter clothing depending on what area of the country they are selling in. When I first lived in the south people were amazed at my northern coat. It was heavy black wool with an inch thick "fur" lining.
