Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Well, this is a day.

I can't blog today, y'all.

I've been assisting one of my bosses with a huge deal that is closing today and we just had a blasted fire drill.  I had to go down 17 stories, then on down to the loading dock, through the parking deck, up a big hill, and then stand waiting on an elevator along with 50 bazillion other people.  By the time I was standing in the lobby waiting on an elevator, my right foot and ankle were shaking so bad and my thighs were burning so much that I was honestly scared I was going to collapse right there in front of everyone.  And security said the stairwells were all unlocked if we wanted to take the stairs back up.  Really?

I'm sweaty, and I'm not feeling so good due to walking down 17 stories in a highrise with plantar fasciitis that already had my feet hurting today.  And I have too much to finish for this closing.

So watch this video instead of reading about the rest of my trip to the mountains.  The little girl at the 2:30 mark breaks my heart.  The girl at 5:16 is probably how I would have been - a total drama queen.  And the very last girl is what I want to call whoever decided we should have a fire drill today:


  1. My husband made me watch this first thing this morning. I almost cried at that little girl at 2:30, "...that's alright..." I wanted to hug her, then when her mother asked if she wanted a bowl of cereal she said, "yes, please." sign!

    Fire drills are so much fun. We used to have bomb threat drills and we had to walk way away from our building, like a block away. Ouch, your poor feet.

    1. We had a bomb threat called in a few years ago. They said there was a bomb in the tunnel under the street from Marta to my building. We had to walk down all of the stairs and all the way down to Lenox Mall which is a couple of blocks from my building.

  2. I personally think it is a rotten trick to play on your trusting children just for the chance of being on tv. Is five seconds of tv fame really worth the emotional damage?

    Okay, I'll step down from my soap box now.

  3. I didn't mean to stop all comments!

    Beverly, I can't image you going down 17 flights of stairs after your million mile march to find an open restaurant in Blue Ridge. Can you even walk today?

    Tee, I'm from the era when a bomb drill in my Florida elementary school meant crawling under our desks and sitting with our heads down and our arms covering our head. Like that was going to save us. I'm very happy to say that it was never more than a drill.

    1. *IMAGINE*, not image! So much for my proof reading.

    2. I can't decide if my feet or my thighs hurt more. OMG. I cannot move today. My thighs hurt when I sit, when I start standing up, when I try to sit down, when I walk, etc. And my feet are throbbing.

      I've been SWAMPED at work today. Will try to blog tomorrow!

  4. OH Beverly, is it that "I have to pee but don't want to go pee because it is too dang hard and hurts too dang much trying to squat and stand back up" hurt? Ouch.

  5. I worked at a domestic violence shelter for over ten years and the times we practiced fire drills, the fire department and police were always involved for security reasons. The kids sure got a kick out of it. I managed shelter services so I just remember being paranoid and nervous cause we were having to answer the crisis lines while all this commotion was going on.

    Sadie, I could never do that to my kid, tease them about Halloween candy. As one of five kids with a single mother, we never jested with food. Food was sacred :)

    1. Amish Annie, I was one of five kid of married parents who had to be very frugal and we never jested with food either. Halloween was the next best thing to Christmas and we savored every piece of candy. My parents would have never ever considered being cruel to us, much less at the suggestion of an idiot on television.

  6. Sadie, we did the same thing in elementary school, except, I'm so old they were called air raid drills and they scared me to death. We had to all go to a hall with no windows and hunker down against the wall with our arms over our heads. Scary to little kids.
