Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dinero. Bankroll. Dough. Moolah.

I started Monday morning by stepping in a puddle of cat vomit first thing in the morning.  She left it right in the middle of the doorway into my kitchen.

I started off Tuesday morning by stepping in a pile of cat poop first thing in the morning.  She left it right where my foot landed as I came off the last step from upstairs.  I came thisclose to slipping and breaking my ass.  Can y'all imagine if I had to add to my list of broken bones:  (a) broke my humerus in 4 places in a horrid post-pedicure flip flop accident complete with ambulance ride to the hospital and a body brace; (65) broke my wrist falling down the stairs after being startled by my geriatric cat; and (MMIIV) broke my ass slipping on a pile of cat shit.

Remind me again why I'm willing to spend a fortune on a raw food diet for this cat and her IBS?

Oh, that's right.  It's because she gives me the stink eye at least once a day:

There is a super long and not very interesting story about why my house payment went way up last year and then I appealed some stuff but I had to wait until the end of this year for them to refund me a bunch of money I had over payed into my escrow account, but I got the check and guess what?  I'm now trying to save the American economy all by myself.  It feels like it's free money somebody gave me but really I paid all of it last year and it just sat in an account and they probably earned a lot of interest on it and then they gave it back to me.

I'm now going to be spending $110 every 13 weeks for raw chicken parts to feed my cat.  Oh yes.  I told y'all it's flipping expensive.  (But that does include the THIRTY EFFIN' DOLLARS they charge for shipping because it has to be shipped frozen from the complete other side of the country.)

I told y'all I went last week to buy paper plates and came home with a new table instead.

I paid off my two credit cards last week.  Granted neither of them were huge balances, but still.

Yesterday I did Christmas shopping and when I went to check out on one site it said if I spent 73 more cents I would be buying enough to get free shipping.  So I decided I needed a gift and I ordered myself a new food processor for Christmas.  Remember I don't even really cook.  But I just had to have a new food processor.  (I have two of the mini ones and they are both broken.  They're still sitting in my cabinet taking up space and they don't even work because what I do is make a whole buttload of sense.)  The shipping would have been about 8 bucks but instead I spent another $50 on something I don't even need so I could save $8 on shipping.

My brain.  It's a super fun place to be.

Today I bought two new televisions.  And someone needs to slap me upside the head if I say I'm buying anything else for myself. 

But but but.....let me tell y'all what a deal I got before you slap me upside the head.  You know, maybe one of you wants to buy two televisions today so I don't feel so bad about doing it myself.

I only have one tv in my house and it's an old school one that has the huge back to it and weighs approximately eleventy gazillion pounds and it's going on 15 or 20 years old.  The picture is not very clear.  It's a piece of crap y'all.  It has one foot in the grave.  It wants the new tvs to get off its lawn.  It is aged like fine wine except it's more like Two Buck Chuck.  Every night is the Golden Age of television at my house. 

I searched online and found a 32" HDTV which was originally $350 but it was on sale for $179.  (And it was free shipping.  Apparently that's super important to me.)  I decided to buy one for my living room to replace the old dinosaur I have, and figured for $358 which is barely over the regular price of one tv,I could buy TWO tv's and have one in my bedroom for the very first time in my entire life.  Seriously y'all, I'm 45-years-old and have never had a tv in my bedroom and I sat there about to place my order and felt like I didn't deserve to buy them.  Why do we do that sometimes?  I have worked hard my entire life.  I've worked 2 jobs for a huge part of my life.  And I don't deserve to spend $179 to have a tv in my bedroom?

OMG!!!!!!!  Guess what, y'all?  Right in the middle of typing up a post about how much money I've been spending as though I think I have a money tree in my backyard (and since my milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to my yard maybe my money tree will) I got called by HR to go down for my annual review.

I just got a raise!

Imma go by myself a new car now......

Just kidding.


  1. My dog was on prescription dog food for a few weeks before she went to heaven. Soooo expensive. A 17 lb. bag was $70, and the small/medium-ish cans were $4. And, of course, this was my big dog. And I think you SHOULD buy a new car.

  2. Dear Heart. If you don't have over 200,000 miles on your car, keep fixing it until the wheels fall off. Just save your car payment each month, then you can pay cash when the wheels go rolling off. This comes from a person that buys a car every 20 years whether we need one or not.

    Hey, that sounds like a good deal on the TVs. We are THINKING about buying a new little TV for our kitchen, but it might take us a while to decide if we are going to take the plunge.

    Congrats on the raise! Woohoo! Now you can buy little Bailey's food, that will, hopefully, help her IBS. We don't want you to add a single thing to your medical resume!

  3. Congratulations on your raise. Please watch where you step each morning because we certainly don't want you to hurt yourself ever again!

    Tee, my car is fifteen years old and I want to keep it forever. Do you think it will last that long?

  4. That's wonderful news about the raise and the extra money. I hope your kitty's poop and vomit issues get better soon so you don't have to step into anything.

  5. Congrats on your windfall--might as well enjoy it, right?

  6. Beverly, we had a cat who had severe diarrhea and frequent vomiting, for several months. We spent over $1,000.00 on vet bills. He went on prescription cat food at $60.00 a bag and nothing helped. We were ready to make the appointment to have him put out of his (and our) misery when we found Diar-eze granules. We took him off of the expensive (dry) cat food, put him on canned food (Friskies) with some Diar-eze mixed in and within TWO DAYS his diarrhea stopped! He lived another 7 years before we had to have him put down a couple of months ago. It's a lot less expensive than the frozen food and might be worth a try. Nothing worse than cat crap and puke!! Hope you find something that works for her! Here's the link for the company we used, they have great customer service and we'd get our order within 2-3 days!


    Congrats on your raise! If you save $$ on the cat food, you can buy more goodies for yourself!

    Good luck and watch your step!

  7. Oh fun post!!!! But Ima cut and past Deb's comment just in case I need that info later on.
