Friday, December 13, 2013

Guess what, y'all?

Guess what, y'all?

Just guess.

You're never gonna guess.

But try to guess what.

Have you made a guess yet?

Okay, do you want me to stop this stupid nonsense?

Me too.

So I'll tell y'all the big news now.

Are you sure you're ready?

Fake daughter moved out last night.

I came racing home Tuesday night (as much as you can race in horrid Atlanta holiday-shopping-after-work traffic) because I had my hairstylist coming to my house to do my hair.  She is the daughter of a friend of mine and she used to work in a salon.  Now she works at the Vortex (the crazy hamburger place I told y'all about recently) and does hair on the side so she comes to my house and I can't tell y'all how awesome it is.  We had a miscommunication of sorts and it's a stupid story and was neither of our faults really, but she ended up not getting to my house until after 8:30 and by the time she got her stuff set up, mixed up color, I covered up my floors and chair so we wouldn't get hair color all over them, etc. it was almost 9:00 p.m. before we started working on my hair.  She did overall color and was doing a 2-step highlight/toner process so she bleached out all of my highlights.  I then had to take a shower and wash all of that stuff out because it's much easier than trying to rinse my hair in the kitchen sink which is something we figured out the last time she came to my house and did my hair.  Then she had to apply toner all over it to make the highlights reddish instead of bleached out blonde.  I then took a second shower 10 minutes later to rinse all of that out so what I'm trying to tell y'all is that I was super clean by the time I went to bed Tuesday night.  I can't use a blow dryer on my hair because if I do it will look kind of like this:

Except mine would be a lot less blond.  And I would still weigh 900 pounds instead of 48 pounds like this lady.

Anyway, my friend/stylist was dying (no pun intended) to see my hair after it dried to see how the color turned out so she cut about 3 inches off of it and then we sat around and talked until it dried.  And then we kept talking because at that point she had slurped down over half a pot of coffee while she was doing my hair and so she didn't leave my house until a few minutes before 2:00 a.m.

But the point is, when I raced home earlier that evening and I pulled in my garage I noticed that all of fake daughter's stuff that she had been storing in there was gone.  She had to stay at the home of the family she works for that night (she is a nanny and the parents were out of town) and I texted her the next morning and asked if she was moving out.  She told me she would probably be completely out by the end of this week.  The family she works for owns some rental properties and apparently some of their renters needed another roommate in their house so fake daughter said she would move in with them.

She got home really late Wednesday night and because I had not gone to bed until almost 3:00 a.m. the night before because of my friend/stylist being at my house and then getting up at 6:30, I was already in bed asleep when she got there so I didn't see her.

When I got home from work last night, she had left me a bouquet of flowers and a very sweet note telling me thank you for everything I've done for her and helped her with but she was excited about starting a new phase in her life. 

So I didn't even get to tell her goodbye really.  Yes, I am excited to have my house back (although I have family coming in a week to stay for the holidays so I won't really have it completely to myself until after Christmas), but I feel awful that I didn't even see her before she left.  I'll definitely see her again but it still feels weird that I didn't hug her bye.

This weekend I have nothing scheduled which makes me absolutely giddy with happiness.  I'm super close to being done with my Christmas shopping but I would rather run finish it after work one night next week than have to put on a bra and leave my house this weekend.  Because I have my house to myself!!!  I plan to clean it from one end to the other since it's supposed to be raining a good part of the weekend here in Atlanta so I can get it back to the way it was before two fake kids invaded my life 8 months ago and turned everything upside down.  I'm also going to attempt to set up a new tv and cable box on my own so that should be interesting. 

So yes.  I am old - I'm excited about spending an entire weekend cleaning my house.  And wrapping a buttload of gifts.....okay, I'm not excited about the wrapping part.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend to me!

  2. Enjoy the peacefulness.

  3. When you we're asking quess what? I thought you were gonna tell us you broke another bone. So glad that wasn't so.

  4. A. You definitely were'nt a fake momma when it came to taking care of the kids!
    2. Love the colour!
    $. You'll be saving a lot of these now. Hopefully!
    *. Enjoy your weekend. Even though you'll be super busy with cleaning and wrapping.
    You won't have any distractions...fingers crossed...and you'll feel great when it's all
    &. Last but not least...really enjoyed your travel posts. Guess we've all been so busy,
    we haven't had time to comment. Keep'em comin'!!

  5. A weekend to yourself! I've been madly cleaning and decorating since Thanksgiving because I hosted our neighborhood ladies' holiday potluck dinner and gift exchange this past week. Now I'm working down my list of everything else that needs to get done and, yes, I'm getting ready to head out in the rain to do some Christmas shopping. Enjoy your solitude.

    All the best to your fake daughter. I hope her roommate situation works out for her. It will definitely be a learning experience. And as Mary Lou said, you were NOT a fake momma.
