Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Not much today.....

Okay, y'all.  I'm not buying a new car.  I just paid my current car off in August and the past 3 months is the first time I haven't had a car payment since 1996.  I normally go from one car to the next because I've only been able to afford crappy cars so they start breaking down constantly, someone hits me and totals my car, I get divorced and have to buy a new car to split up assets, etc. I'm enjoying not having a car payment and my car only has 85,000 miles on it so I'm not buying a new car.

Deb-in-Denver:  Thank you!!!  I ordered some of the stuff you recommended for my cat.  I told my friend here at work who got me on this expensive raw food diet because she has a cat with the same issues.  I told her I will let her know how it works on Bailey and she may order some too.

Unfortunately, this is all I have time for this afternoon because my boss has me helping him on a deal that he's closing today.

So watch this because for some reason it had me howling with laughter earlier (be sure to watch it through to the end):

Or watch my favorite ridiculous pageant answer in the history of ever which I'm sure most of y'all have seen:


  1. I hope it works as well for your cat as it did ours! Can't wait to hear how she does.

  2. My goodness, your car is almost NEW! Hope the meds for Bailey give you both some relief. How do you spell relief...n-o-p-o-o-p.

  3. I love your blog Beverly! I love that Gospel quartet, so funny! And Miss South Carolina, really? Really?

  4. I can't see the videos again. Is the the Static Dog one? Because that was so funny!

    1. No, it wasn't the static dog. That one was hilarious! These two videos were a funny Gospel Quartet and Miss Teen South Carolina trying to answer her interview question.

  5. Having just moved to South Carolina all I can say is "oh dear."
