Thursday, October 4, 2012

1967! I still cannot get over it......

I just took an Advil PM approximately an hour ago and somehow I am still awake (barely) so if this post goes somewhere weird you now know why.

I have no clue what Ima write about so let's see where things go as I start rambling, okay?

I'm exhausted.  How about y'all?  I went to my dad's house last Saturday to work on cleaning things out and my older brother went with me.  We spent about 5 hours cleaning out file cabinets and bankers boxes.  Y'all.  I cannot even tell you what that is like.  My dad never threw a piece of paper away.  We found an entire bankers box stuffed full of nothing but junk mail.  Why?  Throw that crap out!  Then we found a metal box in his attic. Y'all cannot even imagine what we found in there.......

A car insurance bill and old gas bills.  From freaking 1967.  1967!!!!  Why does anyone need to keep a car insurance bill for 45 years and move it to three different houses?  Oh my word, this is going to be the most awful experience of my life to get this house cleaned out.

Sadly, we have to go through every single envelope and every single piece of paper because my mom is still alive and well and living in Texas.  So we need to make sure we don't throw away or leave behind anything with her personal information, social security number, etc. that could end up in the wrong person's hands.  We've already found tax returns and a few other things with her information.

My dad was kind of an organized hoarder.  Everything was neatly put up in boxes, file cabinets, etc. but he loved buying things just because they were on sale.  There is an entire bankers box full of telephone cords.  Why?  Well, who on earth could possibly know why.  There are approximately 50 computer cables, a wireless mouse or 2 or 3 still in the packages, enough boxes of binder clips and paper clips to open an office supply store, probably 10 years worth of National Geographic magazines, and oh my word, I could go on and on.

He was a professional photographer for 40 years.  I found an empty film box.  He had written "empty" on it in marker.  And then kept the empty box.  I would be willing to bet that box has been in his office for at least 15 or 20 years.  (I'm not going to lie.  I saved that little box as a reminder of what he was like.  Because that sums him up so well.)  God love him.  He had been in his house for 32 years.  I'm not sure we have the strength for this.   And no, I'm not going to save all of the reminders because I do not have enough storage space in my house.

He once bought a water heater just because it was on sale.  Y'all, we did not need a water heater.  My mom was really mad about that one.  So this gigantic box sat in the middle of the garage for years and years and years.  Then, luckily for him, the water heater went out one weekend.  And he cheerfully said to my mom, "Oh!  Guess what?  I just happen to have one of those in the garage!"  He once bought a kitchen sink just because it was a good deal.  I'm pretty sure we should find that in the basement somewhere because he never used the stupid thing.  Y'all.  Cleaning this house out is going to be crazy.

Anyway, after 5+ hours, you could not tell my brother and I had even made a dent in his office.  And there is a 3,000 square foot house to get through.  So we decided to go eat dinner together.

Y'all.  I've told y'all I attract crazy people, right?  My brother looked at me during dinner and asked if we were on Candid Camera or maybe we were being punked.  I told him absolutely not, he was just out with me and this is what happens when you hang around me for very long.  Crazy people come out of the woodwork. Our server came over to our table, slapped her hands down on the edge of the table, looked down at the ground and said, "My co-workers are cracking up at me."  So, being the complete idiot that I am, I asked her why.

She proceeded to share with us that her 8-year-old son had just managed to steal over $100 out of her checking account, she told us about the house she had bought years ago in California, how she was a huge drug addict when she was pregnant with her first child, how she stopped doing drugs and tried to kick out her husband and his drug addict friends living with them but she ended up being evicted and he demolished the house, set the carpet on fire, etc.  Then she tied him up one night with duct tape and stomped on him and kicked him with her boots.  She divorced him, got remarried, almost divorced her second husband and he managed to get temporary custody of all 3 of her kids (including ones that were not his biologically) during the course of the divorce that ended up not being a divorce, because then they worked things out.  And holy crap, she wore me out.  We had never seen this girl before in our lives and she told us all of this stuff!  (By the way:  Just Paula, I forgot to respond to you on Facebook, but we were not at Applebee's.)

After she mentioned the part about duct taping her ex and stomping on him with her Doc Martens, I told her that I was going to leave her a nice fat tip and asked her not to hurt us.

Anyway, my brother and I are not going out to my dad's this weekend because I need to go to my office and work.  Because remember we're remodeling at work?  That means I also have to clean out my entire office, help my 3 bosses clean out their offices, every single file folder has to be bar coded and boxed up to be sent off to storage, and one of my bosses has 30 file drawers and 4 cabinets full of stuff (some of which dates back to 1999 - my dad still has him beat with 1967 car insurance bills I suppose).  We have to move out of our offices in 3 weeks.  We also have to keep doing our regular jobs too.  And my younger brother and his girlfriend/wife (long story) are coming down next weekend to help at my dad's house and they will be staying with me so I have to get my guest room ready again after just having someone in that room this week.  Some days I feel like I'm going to lose my mind with everything going on right now.  So, you know, don't expect me to suddenly start posting more often this week.

Let's move on.  Music Monday.  Crap y'all.  I don't know how to pick winners because there are too many great songs submitted.  By the way, Just Paula had problems commenting on here so she submitted "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone" via Facebook.

But here's what I went with.  Honestly, everything y'all submitted this week could have been first place though.

First Place is a tie:

TX Peach for Prince's Purple Rain.  Prince dedicates this song to his father in this video so it seemed appropriate that it win this week.  I wonder if Prince's father kept car insurance bills for 45 years?  And you can never find Prince videos on You Tube, so you'll have to click on this link if you'd like to watch it:

Did I ever tell y'all I went to see Prince live for his Purple Rain tour when I was in high school.  I was very naive and innocent.  Back then.  I can assure you I'm not at all now.  My boyfriend (who went on much later in life to be my ex-husband) and I took the train downtown and a gay guy hit on him.  He was wearing one purple sparkly glove, a purple sparkly vest, and lots of makeup (the gay guy, not my boyfriend/now ex-husband) and sadly, I had never knowingly met a gay person before and I hope I didn't act like a moron.  Then we got to the concert and my innocent, virgin self was shocked when Sheila E opened up for him and simulated sex on a mattress on stage.  I'm pretty sure I learned some life lessons that night.  Mostly I learned not to be an uptight, naive, innocent virgin kind of person in life because the gay guys wearing purple sparkle and artists simulating sex acts seem to have way more fun in life than shocked, sheltered suburban girls.

Let's please blame that last paragraph on the Advil PM coursing through my veins right now.

Also, both Tracey S and Cyndi B for Stormy Weather (except I went with Frank Sinatra instead of Lena Horne because I do love me some Sinatra!):

Second Place is a tie. 

Mary Lou for Willie Nelson's Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain. 

Also, Sadie and Heather for Rainy Night in Georgia (Ray Charles and Brook Benton - I love them both so I didn't choose!)

And let's liven things up a bit for Third Place.  Yes!  It's a tie too:

Karen for It's Raining Men by The Weather Girls:

And Fay because she's right:  I do have a secret weak spot for Milli Vanilli and Blame it on the Rain:

I am clearly going to have to come up with a tougher theme next week.  But right now I need to go sleep before I start drooling from this sleep medicine I took......


  1. (It's me! Just Paula! I'm having trouble posting again so I'm being Anonymous. That seems to be working.)

    I know just what you mean when you say "organized hoarder." That is the perfect term. We had to clean out my parents' house and found similar stuff: every check ever written since 1953. IN ORDER. Every receipt. Every greeting card. All in labeled boxes, organized. My favorite was a box marked "plastic lids." Those were Tupperware lids, etc., that had no bottoms.

    I blame the Depression. They were afraid to get rid of anything!!

    I won't tell you how many dumpsters we filled with this organized hoarding, but I swear the house lifted two feet!!

    1. JP, my dad was born in 1940 so I can't really blame his hoarding on the Depression. I will tell you that I made a rule for myself when I bought my house last year that I will not store anything in my attic because if I have to put stuff up there it means I have too much stuff. Cleaning out my dad's house is showing me I need to make myself stick to that rule. Also, I'm a little scared of climbing those pull down stairs.

  2. I feel your pain. It took me and my mom six months to clean out my grandmother's house when she went to the nursing home. She had lived there almost 45 years and she was an adult during the depression and saved everything. She had a tool shed full of old mayonnaise jars. What do you do with old mayo jars?! It was a long, hard job, not just because of the labor but all the memories involved with her home. It was harder emotionally for me than physically. I am trying so hard to keep from being an organized hoarder because if we ever move from this house, oh my goodness.

  3. "After she mentioned the part about duct taping her ex and stomping on him with her Doc Martens, I told her that I was going to leave her a nice fat tip and asked her not to hurt us." That made me laugh. At least, she didn't ask you to get her panties unstuck from her zipper.

    Beverly, I feel so badly for you with all of the emotional and physical work ahead of you. Not only with your dad's house, but with everything at work, too. Maybe your encounter with your waitress was a reminder that at least you aren't duct taped and being stomped on. And you're not a drug addict.

    When you described the contents of your dad's house, I actually did think about Just Paula and the dumpster.

    I'm proud to be in the company of Mary Lou and Heather for 2nd place. Heather, after listening to both versions of Rainy Night in Georgia, I agree with you and like Brook Benton's version better.

  4. You know there are companies who will come onsite with a giant shredder-in-a-truck and just destroy all that stuff for you, for a surprisingly reasonable fee. ;)

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for actually remembering to mention it. Much safer to shred it all than have it end up in the wrong hands.

    2. Problem 1. None of us has any extra money even if it's a reasonable fee. (Sad but true.) We are going to have to sell stuff just to pay his funeral home expenses.

      Problem 2. My mom wants the tax returns, etc. in case something were to come up so we still have to sort through it all.

  5. So late commenting but thanks, Beverly! Happy to share the glory with Sadie and Heather!
    I'm hoping you'll find a buried treasure or two that will cover all the expenses. You never know. Glad you aren't having to deal with this all on your own.
