Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I need chocolate, a massage and a good stiff drink.

Okay, do you know what y'all need to do?  Y'all need to nominate me for The Most Consistent Blogger of the Year award.  Or The Most Dedicated Blogger of the Year award.  Or something.

I am pretty sure I'm going to be Blogger in a Mental Institution very soon.

Between house guests, trying to get my dad's estate handled, and work being busier than it has ever been in the 5.5 years I've worked at my firm, I am completely overwhelmed.  And completely exhausted.  And completely unable to blog regularly it seems.

And do you know in the past week I've had a very good friend tell me she doesn't have a Will because she doesn't have anyone to leave her daughter to if something happens to her and her husband unless I am willing to take the daughter.  Because she says I'm the only person she and her husband would trust to raise her.  They both have parents living and siblings and I am the only person they trust.  But she's not sure I'd want her daughter left to me so she hasn't made a Will.  Um.  I'm not sure I'd be the best at parenting.  I can hardly control my cat.  I can't even blog regularly, dudes.  I would be the adoptive mom who says, "sorry I didn't feed you today.  I was too busy."  Then my Mom told me today that she and her husband are doing their Wills and she really wants me to the the Executrix because she and her husband trust me the most.  When the hell did I become so trustworthy?  Don't these people know me at all?  I need to hurry up and make some stupid decisions about some stuff so people don't want me to handle such important tasks.

And by the way, guess who has worked at a law firm for over 5 years now with a Wills and Estates attorney and can get a free Will prepared yet doesn't have a Will?  See?  I should not be in control of anyone's final wishes.

All of this is coming up, of course, because of my dad's passing.  Y'all, the whole situation is getting more and more awful.  His wife has turned into a greedy, mean, woman and also I want to chant at her, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!" almost every single time she opens her mouth.  They were only married for two years and my brothers and I have been OVERLY generous to her both in the eyes of the law and what normal people would agree to give a wife of two years when someone dies without a Will.  And yet she has been very ugly towards us.  I will probably write more about what all has gone on with her in more detail once we get through all of this.  I don't want to make things worse than they already are if someone sees me writing about it on the internet though.  But trust me when I say that it has been an absolutely horrid experience that I hope none of you ever go through.

My brothers and I were out there for about 18 hours over the weekend sorting through stuff and between Monday, Tuesday and tonight, I've spent approximately 8 hours in the evenings after work on the phone dealing with this crap.  And I've worked overtime all week.  So that's why I haven't blogged.  Or slept.  Or done laundry.  Or paid my bills.  Or a number of things I need to get done.  My brother who lives here in Atlanta and I are going back out to my dad's this weekend.  Ugh.  And in between I have to go get appraisals on things, make several phone calls to find out where we can get other things appraised, etc.

So I'm not doing Music Monday this week, especially since it's Wednesday already.  And it's after 10:00 p.m. and I just got off the phone again.  And I haven't eaten dinner yet.

I am trying really, really, really hard to try and figure out a way to do something fun this weekend though.  My neighbors invited me to go to the Little 5 Points Halloween Parade.  Apparently it's one of the top 10 Halloween events in the country.  I will try to take lots of photos if I can manage to squeeze it in and I will try super hard to blog again before Music Monday next week.  Little 5 Points has interesting people on a random day so I can't even imagine what I'm going to see this weekend.  This is the quirky 'hood Laurie and I were in when the bird crapped on her head while she was down here celebrating June's birthday.  Let's hope I have a bird crap free weekend!


  1. Oh my goodness, I can not even imagine what that parade will be like. I've been known to almost have a wreck while trying to drive through that area and watch the people at the same time. :o

  2. Death--and dividing up the stuff--brings out the worst in people. Hang in there. Hugs!

  3. Beverly,
    I knew last weekend would be mostly horrible having to spend it at your dad's house, but what you've described is far, far worse than I even imagined. Sending lots of hugs. I certainly hope you find time to do something fun this weekend. The parade sounds like a hoot!

  4. 1. DO YOUR WILL.

    2. See #1.

    3. If my memory serves me correctly, a will does not handle who raises a child upon the death of the child's parent(s). The deceased can make their wishes known, but I don't think the will is what makes their wishes legally binding. So please refer your friend to Numbers 1 and 2.

    4. I'm sorry you are having problems with your Dad's wife. Material possessions bring out that sort of ugliness in people when you least need to deal with it. That's why I had a will done back in 2001 or 2002 and why I had a new one done this spring to protect my partner.

    5. SEE #1!!!!
