Monday, October 8, 2012

Murders. Big Bird. High fashion. My weekend in a nutshell.

Do y'all want to hear about my exciting weekend?  Do you?

No.  You don't.

I'm going to tell you anyway because I can't think of anything else to write about.

I hate to tell y'all this, but this is what I did all weekend: 

Friday night I sat in traffic for an hour and a half to get home.  9 miles.  90 minutes.  So I was happy about that as you can imagine.  Apparently a guy was sitting at a red light at an intersection a couple of miles from my house which happens to be a super busy intersection.  Some guys from another car (or possibly from 2 other cars - witnesses reported different things) got out, ran up to this guy's car and opened fire on him and killed him.  This was between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. in broad daylight in the middle of an incredibly busy intersection and they got away.  Some witnesses said they heard as many as 10 gunshots.  Anyway, the police shut down the major intersection in the middle of Friday afternoon rush hour.  And Friday afternoon rush hour already sucks in Atlanta without a major intersection being shut down. I said so many bad words trying to get home.  But then when I found out what happened I wasn't mad anymore, because think about that poor guy who was just sitting at a red light and then he was shot dead.  The story was on the news that night but has completely disappeared out of the media so it's all really weird and I haven't heard about any motive, etc.

Saturday I went to work for 7 hours.  I filed.  I bar coded files. I ordered more bar codes from our file room.  And I packed files in boxes.  I packed up 11 boxes of files.  I've already packed up and shipped off 24 boxes in the past couple of weeks.  AND I AM STILL NOT DONE!!!  This is because one of my bosses will never send anything offsite and I am now sending off files dating back to 1999.  But I am not partying like it's 1999 so Prince can stuff it.  And then I have to help all three of my bosses pack up their offices.  Oh em gee.

Another girl who sits around the corner from me was there packing up boxes too.  She was having about as much fun as I was.  As we left the building and were walking out to the parking deck, we both heard a loud thud, turned around and saw a fairly large bird falling out of the sky.  It hit a tree, then fell to the sidewalk.  And we both gasped.  Our building is glass and it flew into the side of the building up pretty high.  I would guess we saw it fall from at least 9 or 10 stories up.  It was loud when it hit y'all, because it was a BIG bird.  But not Big Bird that Mitt Romney wants to fire.  Big Bird of Sesame Street was not committing suicide at my law firm.  Anyway, we discussed going to check on it.  My co-worker is a bird fanatic.  She videos birds in her yard and sends them to me via email.  I mean, I like birds as much as the next person, but I do not have time to watch videos of birds just doing normal bird things in someone's yard.  Anyway, she decided she'd prefer to assume the big bird just knocked itself out, the tree broke its fall, it had a bit of a headache, but eventually flew off.  She was talking about it all day today.

Then I went to the grocery store.  Ooooh.  Aaaaah.  I could not bring myself to buy any chicken after watching that bird fall out of the sky.

Then I filled my car up with gas because I really know how to party hard on a Saturday night.  And yes Atlanta peeps, I went to the Sidney Marcus QuikTrip and had to wait in line for gas as usual.  But the gas there was about 30 or 40 cents a gallon cheaper than right around the corner on Piedmont at the BP so if you are ever in that area, wait in the lines at QuikTrip because it is totally worth it.  Unless you are Richie Rich and don't have to worry about paying too much for gas.  I am not in that category at all.

Sunday.  Oh Sunday.  I never got dressed.  Well, I sort of got dressed but it was only into clothes that I went outside and did yard work wearing.  And thank goodness the Google maps car did not come by taking pictures while I was out there in my capris, no bra, and Crocs.  I also cooked all of my lunches and dinners for the entire week.  I did 4 loads of laundry.  I swept and mopped the downstairs floors of my house.  And I started getting the guest room and guest bathroom cleaned a little for my brother and his girlfriend/wife (long story and I know I keep saying that so how about I tell y'all the long story in a minute?) to stay with me next weekend so that we can work on my dad's house.  So Saturday and Sunday competed for MOST FUN EVER!!!

Okay, here is the story about why my younger brother has a girlfriend/wife.  My younger brother is a sculptor and he co-owned a foundry, studio, etc. with a guy a few years ago.  His girlfriend/wife (I'm going to say g/w because I'm tired of typing it out every single time) is an artist.  She brought some work to my brother's foundry to have cast into a sculpture and they became friends.  She was married at the time but about to leave her now ex-husband.  She and my brother got to know each other as they were working on her sculptures and eventually were interested in each other as more than friends but would not date until she had moved out and filed for divorce.  She did that and they eventually started dating.  She has now been divorced for several years.  Her ex managed to take a whole bunch of money from her, she gave up a bunch of money just to get divorced and be rid of him, and he swiped a bunch of money from their kids' college funds.  Nice guy.  He is supposedly replacing the college fund money.  And he has to pay her alimony.  If she remarries, he doesn't have to pay her any alimony.  So my brother and his g/w wear wedding rings, call each other husband and wife, own a farm together, she bought out my brother's partner so they now own the foundry/studio together, but they can't actually get married because she is determined to make her ex repay a bunch of the money he took from her.  Her ex still takes her back to court from time to time over really stupid things, and it's generally just a very unpleasant situation with him.  So eventually she will simply be my brother's wife, but currently she's his g/w.

And I think by now most of us know that while I was sitting in awful traffic because someone got murdered, filing and packing, mowing grass and cleaning house, that June found a random puppy in the front seat of her car because her weekend beat my weekend's ass.  To a pulp.

So this week's Music Monday theme is DOGS!  Or puppies.  Anyway, the song(s) you submit must contain a dog word in the title (dog, puppy, a particular breed, etc.)  I know I said I was going to make this week's theme more difficult, but how was I to know when I said that that June was going to get the world's cutest puppy left in her car by a complete stranger?  While I was watching big birds fall from the sky.  Hmmmph.


  1. Letha, my weekend seems so lazy nowOctober 8, 2012 at 10:21 PM

    Oh em gee back atcha, Beverly. You need something bigger than a nutshell for that weekend. But I loved reading it. Oh, and I am pretty sure that bird was a goner.

    Hound Dog by Elvis. I almost feel like I'm cheating with this!

  2. How Much IsThat Doggie in the Window?
    The Boxer

  3. Who Let the Dogs Out?

    Hot Diggety Dog Diggety, oo what you do to me!

    B I N G O! and Bingo was his name-o

  4. OMG, you crack me up the way you describe your "boring" weekend!!

    Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog ~ Johnny Cash

    Sick As A Dog ~ Aerosmith

    Puppy Love ~ Paul Anka

  5. Beverly, I'm exhausted just reading about your weekend! That poor bird probably looked at all that filing you were doing on Saturday and just dropped dead.

    I Wouldn't Treat A Dog (The Way You Treated Me) - Bobby "Blue" Bland

    Me And You And A Dog Named Boo - Lobo

    Walkin' My Cat Named Dog - Norma Tenaga (I love this title.)

  6. “Was Dog a Doughnut?" -- Cat Stevens

    Girl Friend, you are hilarious. I heard about the shooting on the news. I can't imagine what a mess that created during rush hour on a Friday. Atlanta traffic is terrible, but then add murder to it and it more than terrible. You must have had to drive to Decatur to by-pass all the congestion. That was close to home. Too close.

  7. I heard on the new the Kroger behind you caught on fire!
