Friday, September 20, 2013

I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign

This morning I was driving to work and, for those of you familiar with Atlanta, I was driving down N. Highland in the Morningside area between Virginia Highlands and Buckhead.  Suddenly this big ol' jerkface in his tan minivan came flying out from a side street and almost creamed right into the side of me had I not slammed on my brakes which made me almost get creamed from behind by someone else.  And which I've been fearing since I just got my car paid off last month.

I said some bad, bad words that would make my mother cry like a baby from disappointment and then do you know what I noticed?  He had the back of his minivan covered in magnets and bumper stickers.  There were a bunch of them for different schools and soccer teams and then there was the most prominent one of all right in the center of everything:


Apparently blowing through stop signs and almost wiping someone out is totally safe and okay as long as you aren't texting while you do it.  So this made me think about People Who Annoy the Crap Out of Me.  And honestly the list started getting really long, but here are some highlights:

  1. People who blow through stop signs.
  2. People who stand at my desk and want to chat about stupid nonsense even when I tell them I am super busy with a deadline project and I will need to talk to them later.
  3. People who are out jogging on really busy, high-traffic roads and they jog IN THE ROAD instead of on the sidewalk which is 2 feet from them.  Especially when they do this during rush hour.
  4. Bicyclists.  Holy crap.  I could go on for hours about them.  They don't follow traffic laws.  They come out in huge packs of 50 riders and block major intersections and crowd busy roads during rush hour in downtown Atlanta.  They ride right down the middle of the road wearing dark clothes with no lights when it's dark outside.  They seriously bug.
  5. People who come up to me in the break room when I'm eating lunch and can see I'm trying to read a book or a magazine and just talk and talk and talk.  
  6. My boss who was a total butt to me this morning when he told me he was surprised and disappointed I didn't know how to do something in a software program that I've never used before and he's never asked me to use before.
  7. People who know you but smirk and wave at you as they see you running for the elevator and let the door shut right in your face (see: butt headed boss above).  It didn't happen today, but he's done it to me before.
  8. Several of my friends on Facebook who think I give a rat's behind that they think they are the smartest person on the planet about politics and everyone who disagrees with them are just ignoramuses.  These are usually the ones who claim to be the biggest Christians as well yet judge everyone who is a little bit different from them.
  9. Women who pee all over the toilet seat at work and leave it. I bet they don't do that at home.
Number 9 is a nice segue to this next completely random thought of mine.

Do you know how sometimes you feel like the universe is sending you signs?  It sometimes feels like the same message is being sent to you repeatedly in a very short span of time so you should probably pay attention because something is about to happen.  Do y'all know what I mean?

Maybe you get signs that you're about to meet that special someone.

Maybe you get signs that you are going to have a baby soon.

Maybe you get signs that you should buy that house you've been thinking about buying.

Maybe you get signs that you should change jobs.

Maybe you get signs that you should go to a certain vacation spot.

Late yesterday afternoon, someone sent me a link to a video and it had an ad that played at the beginning.  This is now my new favorite ad and here it is:

This morning someone sent me a link to a site and as I scrolled through it, I saw this:

And shortly thereafter, this was brought to my attention:

Clearly, the Universe is sending me a sign.  It's trying to tell me that I'm going to have diarrhea soon.


  1. If that's the message the universe is sending to you, I hope the problem doesn't happen during rush hour!

  2. If it does, I'm sure there will be a huge pack of cyclists blocking me from getting home.

  3. You are so funny! Thanks for the fun post.

  4. Another reason you might want to consider a port-a-potty for your cubicle, and now maybe your car.

  5. Shit. I can not see the videos.

    But I'd like to add one to your list of irks, if I may.
    When you are using a public restroom and someone comes in and chooses the stall right next to you when there is a whole ding dang row of toilets to choose from!! And then, and then, continues to make noises of relief while going potty. Shut up already!

    Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
