Sunday, July 29, 2012

Home Tour.....Part 1

I didn't have to talk to a single person today.  I can't tell y'all how happy I am about that after the week I had.  Some people do yard work when they are stressed because they say it chills them out.  I don't understand those people.  Sometimes when I'm stressed out I paint.  Sometimes I don't get off the couch.  Sometimes I clean.  Today I cleaned.  Partly because I'm stressed out from my job, and partly because I'm stressed out about something else.  Remember I told y'all I was going to rent out my guest room to a nursing grad student from September thru November?  Well, she called one night this week and said her entire schedule had changed and it turns out she needs a place to stay starting this Tuesday.  July 30.  So I cleaned because of stress and also so that poor girl wouldn't catch something from the disgustingness of my house.  And I figured that would be a good time to take photos for y'all to see my house.  You know, when it's fairly clean.  If I had taken them abut 7:00 this morning, y'all would have died.  It was a disaster.  The kitchen looked like a tornado had been through it because I had not done much straightening up last week.

My internet is making me insane.  Well, my internet along with a lot of other things are making me insane.  Like the fact that my insurance company has decided to cut me off from any further physical therapy sessions.  My doctor has written another prescription and my therapist is begging them and telling them I need more help.  But since they have never laid eyes on me and apparently don't care that I still cannot even sleep in a bed, they think they know best and have cut me off.  And oh, by the way, my insurance policy gives us UNLIMITED physical therapy each year.  And they have still cut me off.  So now my benefits manager is trying to help me out, my therapist and her office manager are trying to help me out, and this all happened this week while I was also trying to send out 600 overnight packages.  Did I mention how happy I was not to speak to one single person all day?

But back to my internet.  If I shut down my laptop, unplug my modem, unplug my router, plug my modem back in, wait 2 minutes, plug my router back in, wait two minutes, and then turn my laptop back on, the internet will work for a couple of hours.  Then it goes back out.  Does my internet not understand I don't want to do that every single time I need to consult Facebook for the latest important information about who just ate a chicken sandwich, and who is going to vote for which candidate, etc. and guess who wishes politics and religion were banned from Facebook completely?

Apparently I am still stressed and it has made me grumpy in this post.

Okay, onward to the home tour before my internet goes out again.  Y'all remember I am not a photographer, right?  I'm going to show y'all some before photos and some after so you can see what all I have done since moving in 8 months ago while hosting house guests the entire time.  I have had a total of 5 weeks in the past 8 months without a house guest, which is fine, but it limits how much you can get done.  (I guess college girl will be here through the end of November, then a couple of weeks later my mom and her husband will probably be here for a week or more at Christmas, then Hot Brazilian is supposed to be back the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve (fingers crossed that all goes as planned).  So apparently I will have about 7 or 8 weeks total in a year without a house guest.)  And I spent three and a half months in a cast and slings with a broken arm.  So I still have many projects to do as you will see.  But this is what I've gotten done so far.  I think if you click on the photos you can see them bigger if you want to.  But maybe not.  I'm no expert on this kind of stuff.

The kitchen is where the most work was done.  When I moved in there were no counter tops, no back splash, some of the flooring was missing, a lot of wood trim work needed completion, there were no appliances, and I didn't care so much for the paint color.   


And here are some AFTER shots:

From the living room looking into the kitchen:

From the reading nook looking into the kitchen:

Letha said she liked my back splash, so here is a close-up for her.  I don't even know if she reads this blog regularly so she may not see this.  And my photography skills are horrid.  The back splash is actually darker than this in real life.  And hello sugar and flour.....

And here is the dining room/reading nook BEFORE.  This is a fairly large room with a double sided fireplace in the middle.  But the fireplace is not functioning.  Dang.

Reading nook:

Dining room:

Facing the front door.  And this stair case goes up to my bedroom, bathroom, my walk-in closet room, and the laundry.

There wasn't anything particularly wrong with the paint colors, but they weren't my preference.  I wanted to lighten everything up so here are the AFTER:

The reading nook as it looks today.  This chair and ottoman was also my bed for 3 months when I was in the body brace/cast/sling situation.  I've now graduated to the sofa which is coming up below.

And on the other side of the fireplace, the dining room after:

And I started this post Saturday night, but 20 minutes in, my internet went out again and didn't come back on until this morning.  HATE!  So now it's Sunday and let's see if I can finish before it goes kaput again.  I guess I am going to have to take 1/2 a day off work to have the cable people come out and see what the heck is going on.  Which is awesome because I really have time for that right now.  I already know of at least 110 packages we're sending out this week.  I can only imagine that number is going to keep growing.  I don't know what's going on.  We normally have 55 a week and sometimes we go a couple of weeks without any.  600 last week?  And already 110 this week coming up that we know about?  What the heck?!  And who needs to let this go since it's Sunday and just be grateful she has a job?

I really did absolutely nothing to my living room other than move my furniture in.


My painter was really pushing me to repaint this room too, but I was fine with the color and dudes, I paid him a fortune as it was.  I had to draw the line somewhere!

This staircase goes up to my art studio.  I have two staircases and when you get upstairs, the two sides of the house do not connect.  Weird, but that's how it is.  Maybe one day I'll cut out a doorway between the two sides of the upstairs, but I'm going to have to win the lottery first.

Okay, that's enough photos for one post, don't you think?  I'll show y'all the bedrooms and stuff in the future.  

I need to go mow the grass, but I'm stressed enough already.  I think I have a day long date planned with my sofa, a pillow, my pj's and the remote instead. 


  1. It's all very lovely--makes me feel like I am camped out in my house. Sorry about your insurance problems. And your internet problems. Goodness! Too much. Now I want to see your art studio--I am a painter, and my studio is my dining room table! Good luck with next week's packages. And with the insurance company. Sounds like you need a lawyer?! I'm guessing your law firm doesn't deal in insurance/health claims--just packages. What's in those packages,anyway?

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! What on earth does a law firm send in so many packages?

  3. Our law firm does a little bit of everything from corporate real estate, to residential real estate, to IP, to environmental law, etc. I work in the corporate section. One of my bosses does corporate healthcare and technology (mergers and acquisitions, stock offerings, corporate governance docs such as bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, etc.), one does global sourcing and procurement (international contracts, etc.), and one is in corporate securities. The packages are filings for securities. So anytime our clients want to issue sales literature, do certain things on their websites, present offerings, amend offerings, file annual reports, etc. we have to send them to the securities examiners in every state, the SEC, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, etc. Then the states start sending comments about what they will accept, what the companies have to change in their sales materials, etc. and we have to respond to all of their comments. SO MUCH FUN!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!!! I especially love the tile bordering the wood floor in the kitchen and the arched doorway. And the furniture. And artwork. Well, I just love everything! You've done a fabulous job, Beverly!!
    Good luck with the insurance company. That is so unfair, when it's supposed to be unlimited coverage.
    Hope your internet problems are over soon.

  5. Your house is gorgeous. And sparkling clean, too. Relax and enjoy it. I can't wait to hear about the nursing student. I am sure within days you will draw out some really interesting stories from her!

  6. Peeps, those photos DO NOT do this beautiful old home justice! It is absolutely fabulous in real life. Beverly has done an outstanding job of finishing the ole girl and decorating her. Her home is gorgeous. Beverly, a home as grand as yours needs a name. Wasn't she built in 1920? That could be a contest. What do you think?

    Sounds like the insurance company has committed a breach of contract. I would contact the Georgia Insurance Commissioner's Office. Looks like you could find a really good attorney to write them a threatening letter as well, seeing as you work in the midst of the law types. AND you STILL can't sleep in your bed! This is wrong, just WRONG!

  7. I would live in your "hood" any day. That is gorgeous! Good luck with insurance co.

  8. I had to come back for another look. The fireplaces! The alcove above the pantry! The ceilings and light fixtures! I seriously can't get enough plus I want your kitchen.
    And I agree with Tee. This beautiful lady needs a name!

  9. Wow. Just wow. Everything is stunning, and the before pictures let us know just how really good you are at decorating. Thanks for the backsplash closeup! I really do love it. Wow, wow. Wonderful job, and I know it wasn't easy. Best wishes with your continuing travails.

  10. Oh my gosh Beverly, your house is stunning, stunning. I love everything!! The artwork, the paint colors are out of this world, that back splash is to die the colors and textures in it! Love all the little nooks, your kitchen is crazy cool and what the heck...the cage thing over the candles on the dining room table, AND the dining room table are gorgeous. Lordy girl, that is one beautiful house and decor. You can tell you're an artist. Love the doors and recessed areas too. Am gonna come back and look at these pics again tomorrow when I have more time and don't have to go to bed early so I'm not a zombie for boot camp. Beautiful pics. Now I can't wait to see the rest.

  11. Beverly, your house is amazing! I need to have a reading nook ASAP! That chair looks so comfy! You are such a good decorator! Hope you can get all your insurance and internetstuff fixed!
