Monday, August 20, 2012

Orange you glad no one stole my car?

I got older over the weekend. 

Saturday, as I told y'all I was going to do, I went to Folk Fest.  And I saw my friend, Sam Granger.  I told y'all about him too.  A lot of folk artists are larger than life characters and absolutely tons of fun.  Here is Sam complete with his sock monkey hat, peace sign sunglasses, "Free Hugs" shirt, and his gold dancing shoes.  He gave away hundreds of free hugs over the weekend:

Sam likes to enjoy life.  I hope he sold a lot of art.  I bought one piece from him (to add to my collection of Sam G. art - I think I have 4 pieces now.  We did art trades on a couple of them and I bought a couple).  I also bought 4 other pieces from some other artists.  This is because I'm broke and said I was only going to look and would not buy any art.  And because I have about 300 paintings of my own stacked up in my home studio that I don't know what to do with.

I'm in the middle of a big decision in the art side of my life, and I met a fabulous artist at the show on Saturday.  I've wanted to meet her for years and we've been friends on Facebook for a while and she was at the show Saturday (not selling, just walking around and enjoying).  I had a great conversation with her and she said she would love to meet me at her friend's studio one weekend and paint together.  Y'all, I am flabbergasted and excited and honored and shocked that she wants to do that with me.  Mostly excited though.  If it works out, it will be such a huge thing and a great opportunity for me.  Fingers crossed!

Do you know what happens when one gets old?  One forgets kind of important stuff.  I've mentioned at least once or twice (ha) that I live in the 'hood.  I've had an artsy thing stolen from my front fence already.  My neighbor had a bike stolen.  It was chained to a spindle on her front porch so the thief simply broke the spindle out of her porch and took it with the bike.  Another neighbor has had someone try to kick in their door.  In other words, it's not the safest place to leave valuables out.  Saturday morning when I got ready to leave for Folk Fest, I discovered I had slept with my back door unlocked all night and had never turned on my security alarm.  Great, huh?  Then when I got home, I unloaded my car, went inside, chilled out all evening, slept all night, got up Sunday, did some stuff around my house, then walked over to my neighbors' house for a party all afternoon, then came home and got ready to drive out to my dad's for dinner.  And that's when I discovered I had never closed my garage door or locked my car from when I got home from Folk Fest 24 hours before.  Awesome.  So far I haven't noticed anything missing (other than my brain, obviously) and I'm as shocked as anyone.

Oh well.  Let's move on to Music Monday Contest and I'm sorry I'm posting this so late on Monday, but today was our monthly billing deadline and I was insanely busy. 

Because I went to Folk Fest and bought art, and talked to artists, and thought about the art portion of my life an awful lot this weekend, I still have art on the brain tonight too.

The song(s) you submit this week must contain a color in the title.  Y'all, this is easy.  I can think of about 10 songs with "red" in the title right off the bat.  I can't wait to see what you come up with! I'm going to go ahead and disqualify Red, Red, Wine since it just won last week though.   Since I'm posting so late tonight and I have to mail out more overnight packages tomorrow (ugh), I will give y'all until tomorrow night at least and maybe until Wednesday before I pick winners. 

Have fun!


  1. Green Tambourine
    Yellow Submarine
    Blue Moon
    Blue Moon of Kentucky
    Honky Tonk Blues
    Nights in White Satin (or is it Knights?)
    Purple People Eater
    Black is Black
    Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
    Mrs Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter
    Blue Velvet
    Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
    Don't it Make My Brown Eyes Blue (double score?!)
    Sister Golden Hair Surprise
    Silver, Blue and Gold (triple)
    Gold Finger
    Black and White

    I fear I have dated myself.

  2. Sam is definitely hug worthy!
    I think you have a guardian angel watching over you, Beverly. Or someone secretly put a spell on your place to keep out the riffraff. Whatever it is, it seems to be working.

    Here's my list. I couldn't think of one Red song.
    Tangled Up In Blue...Bob Dylan
    Mellow Yellow...Donovan
    Blue Suede Shoes...Elvis
    Ruby Tuesday...Stones
    Brown Sugar...Stones

    1. Add on:
      99 Red Balloons...Nena

      Drove myself nuts yesterday but finally came up with a red.

  3. I'm going to throw in Reba McIntire's "I'm Looking for Something in Red", Greensleeves (pick your own artist of choice on that one), "Oysters and Pearls" by Jimmy Buffet, and "Weary Blues" by Madeleine Peyroux.

    And, yes, very glad someone didn't steal your car!

  4. Damn, I was going to submit Red Red Wine again. Since it was a winner and all. : )

    Burl Ives singing "Silver and Gold"

    Purple Haze by the incomparable Jimi

    Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny Yellow Polka-dot Bikini

    and finally Love is Blue

  5. Follow the Yellow Brick Road

    Black Betty

    Sweet Georgia Brown

    Green-Eyed Lady

    Blue Bayou

  6. Hey Beverly,

    They didn't rob you blind because word got out that you have birthday parties for people you don't know and who don't show up and them crooks think you are crazy. And a crazy person would track them down and Lord knows do what to them!

    Alas, I think all the good songs are taken!


  7. So glad you weren't robbed. I'm going to check my back door right now.

    My Blue Heaven. That is really old.

  8. Sounds like you had an awesome birthday weekend. I think you had the best birthday gift of all by no one taking advantage of the unlocked doors, but don't push your luck!

    Green, Green Grass of Home is what just popped into my head.
