Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Cranky McCrankypants coming at ya'.

Oh goodness y'all.  I was slammed all day at work, worked late, didn't get home until about 7:30, had some yard work to do, then my next door neighbor chatted me up in the yard until after 9:00.  I took a shower and as soon as I got out, my phone started going off with text messages and phone calls from two different friends who have some major pooh happening in their lives.

It's 10:50 pm and I have not even had dinner.

I'm going to have to choose and announce Music Monday winners tomorrow because I'm getting cranky from lack of food.  And I can't think anymore.

By the way, if you're coming to June's Satellite Birthday Party on July 14th, you'll get to meet several of my neighbors.  But they are the super cool and normal ones and not the crackheads, kidnappers and thieves.  These are the neighbors who didn't blink an eye when I went to their house in my pajamas for dinner the second time I met them.  A story for another day......

1 comment:

  1. That's comforting to know the GOOD neighbors are invited. Looking forward to the party.
