Thursday, June 28, 2012

Testing, testing!

>> Hey y'all! I've set up blogger on my cell phone and this is just a test post to see if I know what in Sam's hill I'm doing. Next week while I'm in Texas this may be the only way I can blog. I've been told there will barely be room for my suitcase in the car driving out there so I may not be able to take my laptop nor do I know what the Internet situation will be at my mom's new house.
>> If I have to blog from my phone, they will be short posts or maybe just pictures.
>> Here is a screen shot of the weather here in Atlanta for the next few days. What on earth did we do to deserve this?
>> Okay, tired of typing on my phone. Talk at ya' later!

Edited:  Y'all, it kind of took me a while to figure this out so I kept forwarding my email instead of retyping it every single time.  Hopefully future mobile posts won't have those arrow things (what are those called?  Carats?).  But quite frankly, technology normally hates me so I'm as shocked as anyone that this worked.  Yay me!


  1. Good job, it seems to have worked.

    We drove to Atlanta today and our car temperature thingy said it was 108 degrees while we were on the interstate.

  2. Oh my, hope you're surviving the heat o.k. Beverly!

  3. Feel free to hop on the interstate and head north to Tulsa, as long as you're so close. :)
