Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

I still haven't been dry needled.

I went to PT last night, did my painful exercises, and then the therapist started the massage.  I asked her a few minutes in if she was going to needle me and she said:

"Oh.  I forgot we were going to do that tonight.  I've cranked your arm too much now so we'll do it next time."

Cranked my arm.  That's pretty much what it feels like.  Thursday!  Thursday night I'm supposed to get needled.  And y'all are saying, "yeah right.  I don't think this is ever going to happen" since I've been talking about it since the beginning of time now.

After therapy I went and got completely taken advantage of.

I went to get a pedicure and thankfully made it back home without gracefully tripping on my shoe, falling on my face, breaking my arm and going to the ER for 7 hours first.  I had a basic pedicure like I get at nail salons all over Atlanta.  And I normally pay $20 or $25 unless I get something deluxe, etc.  I did not get a deluxe anything last night and do you know how much they charged me?

Forty effin' dollars.

I know it's my fault that I didn't look at the price list when I walked in, but seriously?  Double the rest of Atlanta?  It was a salon in the Buckhead area which is Snootyville, USA but I've gone to other Buckhead salons and never paid over $20.  Guess where I will not be getting a pedicure ever again? 

I really tried to come on here and announce the Monday Music winners yesterday, but I was crazy busy during the day, and quite frankly, I was just too tired and lazy after I got home last night.  Perhaps because it was 8:45 and I still had not had any dinner.  But my word was I busy yesterday at work.  We are about to remodel our firm's office which means we're going to be in complete chaos from now through at least next March. (YES!  At least 9 months of barcoding files, boxing up files, moving files, moving to a temporary space, moving to our permanent space, etc.  I am excited is what I am.  If you could see my face right now you would know just how flipping happy I am about this nonsense.)  I'm beginning to clean up my office and then I get to help THREE bosses clean up their offices.  So, so awesome.

I've been here for about five and a half years.  I replaced a lady who retired after 20+ years in this office.  I never had time to really clean up stuff after she left and I've acquired some junk too.  I thought I would share with y'all some of the weird stuff I find as I run across it.

I'm pretty sure when I'm completely done cleaning up my space and helping my bosses (which has to be done by October and it will take me that long) this might top the list of weirdest things I find, but who knows:

Yes, y'all.  It's a box of racist "colored" sparklers.  I thought we were being politically correct these days.

I have worked in law firms for the past twelve and a half years and for the life of me I cannot figure out why I would need a box of sparklers.  My former firm was a family law firm where we handled divorces for celebrities and I didn't even need them then.  But I'm in corporate law now and I can assure you we don't do anything around here exciting enough to need sparklers.

"Woo hoo!  I just sent out 100 Fed Ex packages today!  Time to light the building on fire!!"

"Awesome!  I just completed editing a 400 page 10-K!  It's sparkler time!!"

"We're done printing 200 stock certificates?  Time to run down the halls with sparks flying out of our hands!"

Shocking probably to zero of you, I opened the box and all six sparklers are still in the box.  BECAUSE WE DON'T USE SPARKLERS IN THE LAW, Y'ALL.  But I might decide to start.  What do you think they would do if one Friday afternoon I lit up a sparkler and ran down the halls?  Y'all, I'm totally going to do this soon!  I'll report back after I get up the nerve.  Maybe I'll throw a pair of underwear on my head while I'm at it to really get people talking. 

"Oh yes.  Talk quietly around that one.  She has a delicate disposition and sometimes she completely loses it."

I don't know how to successfully segue from sparklers in a law firm to announcing the winners of the Monday Music Contest, so let's pretend I'm holding a sparkler while I announce, okay?

I didn't tell  y'all this part, but sometimes in the Friday Afternoon Song Contest here at work, the judge wins.  Because the judge always has some songs in mind.  I'm not going to do that to y'all this week because you're new here (and because I forgot to tell y'all that part), but next week?  It may or may not happen. 

Here are some songs y'all could have submitted:

Beastie Boys (I love them!) - Don't Play No Game That I Can't Win

Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

Sister Sledge - We are Family.  Ima stampede somewhere to get me a bubble machine and an outfit like these.  I'm not sure where one stampedes for such things though.    Will never again hear this song and not think about The Bird Cage.

I would like to thank y'all from the bottom of my heart for not submitting Kiss on My List by Hall and Oates.  Kind of hate.

Finally!  On to the winners!  (And y'all realize this is totally dependent on what music I like, right?  Which isn't really fair but it will be hard for me to ever let an ABBA song win because I don't like their music and I really don't know how to take my personal taste out of this contest.  As a hint, I cannot stand opera although I doubt many opera songs would be submitted, I can only listen to country in very small doses, and you will probably figure out some other stuff as we go along each week.)  And yes, sometimes one person could win First, Second and Third.  I've done it twice here at my firm. 

First Place:  Olive for Kiss by Prince.  Apparently Prince hates You Tube so you can't find videos on there for his stuff.  Still love you, Prince or &*#R or Artist Formerly Known As Prince, or whatever name is floating your boat these days.

Second Place:  The mysterious Anonymous for Then He Kissed Me by the Crystals.

Third Place:  Letha for It's in his Kiss by Cher


  1. Yay---2nd Place! "Anonymous" here, aka TXPeach on the Pie. And, the only reason it posts as Anonymous is because I don't have a TypePad or Google Reader or whatever account and "Anonymous" was the only choice that would let me comment. Ima light a sparkler in honor of my second place finish in the first Music Monday contest!

  2. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! This totally made my day. I volunteered at my daughter's high school today and it was NUTS! Parents are nuts. Bus drivers are nuts! Kids are nuts. Ima drink a bottle of something tonight in honor of all the nuts! So, yay me. And thank you. Will expect inflatable toast or musical pickle any day now. Or, better yet, a box of sparklers so I can run up and down the halls of our high school with lit sparklers. And underwear on my head. I would totally fit in.

  3. Thanks, Beverly! Can't wait to not get my prize in the mail.
