Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Wow, y'all had some great suggestions for the Music Monday Contest!

Here are a few other songs I came up with:

Cee Lo - Forget You (I've linked to the clean version)

Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me

Pearl Jam - Daughter

Aerosmith - Last Child

Supremes - Love Child.  Mostly I included this one because Diana Ross appears to be wearing an outfit created by a second grader.

AC/DC - Problem Child.  Because I think every day should include a little AC/DC.

But on to the winners!

First Place:  Mary Lou for The Who - Behind Blue Eyes 

Second Place:  Mary Lou again!  Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O Mine

Third Place:  Scraps for Paul Simon - Mother and Child Reunion

Way to go, y'all!  Mary Lou, don't go stampeding to your mailbox for your prize because it's never going to show up in there.

Okay, gotta run.  I know y'all won't believe this, but I've got MORE overnight packages to get out today.  We sent over 300 total last week, and it's only Tuesday and this will make 110 already for this week.  But I'm grateful to have a job so I'm trying not to, you know, whine.

Also, I spent an hour in a training class this morning for a new computer program we will be using and you know how people always say, "There's no such thing as a dumb question"?  SO NOT TRUE.  I didn't ask any questions so it wasn't me, but wow.

Gotta go inhale a salad at my desk and get back to work.

Congratulations again to this week's winners!  (Winners of nothing!)


  1. Wowza!
    I haven't won anything since that $200 in the weekly draw at the laundromat, a couple of decades ago!

    Thanks Beverly, for nothin'- I is honoured!

  2. Dear Beverly,

    I STILL can't figure out how to post as NOT ANONYMOUS!! Ima try the name/URL thingie.

    Amish Annie/Paul

    P.S. Your neighborhood stories still continue to amaze me :)

    1. Amish- use name only...easy peasy!
