Thursday, June 7, 2012

Probably talk at 'ya again on Saturday......

Here's the deal.  Between this afternoon and tomorrow, a paralegal and I have to send out 275 overnight packages.  275.  SO MUCH FUN.

And that provides very little blogging material unless y'all want to hear the details of how we had to stuff 275 envelopes, and print 275 letters, and print and copy the enclosures for 275 packages, and prepare 275 labels.  Can y'all imagine what a yawn fest that would be to read?  Yes, you probably can because I've been yammering on about it for 2 paragraphs already.

Tonight I have PT (hopefully a needling story....finally) and then I have to go home and water my needy flowers. 

"I'm thirsty!" said Ms. Shasta Daisy as I was leaving for work this morning.

"I want something to drink NOW!" said Mr. Coneflower, because he is whiney is what he is.

And did I tell you I now have my third set of baby birds in my front yard since late March?  I have no clue what kind of bird but let's say it's a titmouse family because that is the funniest bird name I can think of.  Tits and mice have nothing to do with birds.  But apparently word has gotten out that I'm party central for bird baby birthing.  My milkshake brings all the birds to my yard.  And the chipmunks who are digging holes left and right.

After I deal with PT, needles, and nature, I get to clean some toilets and vacuum because whoa, Nellie!  I have an exciting life.  I have company coming over tomorrow night and I thought they might want a clean place to pee.  My cousin from Fargo is in Atlanta this week and no offense if you're from Fargo, but why would anyone move there?  The cold.  Of course I despise hot weather and yet I've been in Atlanta for 43 years shriveling up and dehydrating about 8 months out of the year.  She, my other cousin, an aunt, a husband and a couple of kids are coming over because they all want to see my new house.  I'm serving them pizza delivery because I don't cook.  (Even though I had to buy a stupid stove that cost me $3,000 and was installed by a completely stoned guy.  It only took him seven and a half hours to install it too.  And he told me about some naked guys on the roof of a house in my 'hood.  Story for another day....I've used it about 5 times in 6 months.  The stove, not the naked guys on the roof.)  I'll also show them my needy flowers, baby birds, chipmunks, dead snakes, squirrels, kidnapper neighbors, thieving neighbors, the girl living across the street that I think might be a hooker, and whatever else comes up by tomorrow evening.  My aunt has actually seen it already because she stayed with me for a week to help me when I was all casted up.  And she met the very old lady across the street who I think is allergic to sunlight, bought her some food and was rejected.  Yet another story for another day.

So what I'm saying is, I may not have time to say much tomorrow.  Mary?  Mrs. Oh?  Feel free to post anytime!

But I do want to share another odd thing I've found while cleaning up my office:

A wind up bunny that hops across my desk.  The law does not have enough bunnies in my opinion. to make some FUN, FUN, FUN labels now!  Are y'all sure you don't want to hear all the details of my job today?


  1. Wow you really have an exciting life. Looking forward to the next installment

    1. Exciting? Did you read about how I'm going to be cleaning toilets and watering flowers tonight???? Ha!

  2. Beverly, I am not "Anonymous", I just can't figure out how to sign in with my name...Amish Annie/Paul. Until I figure it out, guess I will be "Anonymous".

    $3000 stove; I am drooling!!! I wanty! And I know this is from a few days ago but I covet your new dining room table. Gorgeous. Also can not believe the story of the kidnapper and fire starter guy, holy crap girl, I feel like I was on a roller coaster ride!
